Bot Detection and Mitigation Statistics 2024 – Everything You Need to Know

Are you looking to add Bot Detection and Mitigation to your arsenal of tools? Maybe for your business or personal use only, whatever it is – it’s always a good idea to know more about the most important Bot Detection and Mitigation statistics of 2024.

My team and I scanned the entire web and collected all the most useful Bot Detection and Mitigation stats on this page. You don’t need to check any other resource on the web for any Bot Detection and Mitigation statistics. All are here only 🙂

How much of an impact will Bot Detection and Mitigation have on your day-to-day? or the day-to-day of your business? Should you invest in Bot Detection and Mitigation? We will answer all your Bot Detection and Mitigation related questions here.

Please read the page carefully and don’t miss any word. 🙂

Best Bot Detection and Mitigation Statistics

☰ Use “CTRL+F” to quickly find statistics. There are total 40 Bot Detection and Mitigation Statistics on this page 🙂

Bot Detection and Mitigation Software Statistics

  • When the person in the photo was a white man, the software was accurate 99 percent of the time at identifying the person as male. [0]

Bot Detection and Mitigation Latest Statistics

  • Online retailer Amazon, whose global workforce is 60 percent male and where men hold 74 percent of the company’s managerial positions, recently discontinued use of a recruiting algorithm after discovering gender bias.9. [0]
  • They found that European names were perceived as more pleasant than those of African Americans, and that the words “woman” and “girl” were more likely to be associated with the arts instead of science and math, which were most likely connected to males.11. [0]
  • White children who were scored at the highestrisk of maltreatment were less likely to be removed from their homes compared to African American children with similar risk scores.45. [0]
  • Automatically mitigate 100% of OWASP Automated Threats without imposing friction on legitimate users. [1]
  • The Financial Impact of Bad Bots Remains Large Survey Finding 64% of organizations lost more than 6% or more of their revenue due to bot attacks, and 32% lost 10% or more within the last year. [2]
  • A quarter of respondents say that on average a single bot attack costs their organization $500,000 or more, and 44% say a single bot attack costs their organization $250,000 or more. [2]
  • Long Lasting Efficacy Is a Challenge Survey Finding Only 15% report their bot mitigation or bot management solution retained effectiveness a year after initial deployment. [2]
  • The majority (77%) of companies spent $250,000 or more on mitigating bot attacks within the last year, and almost two thirds (63%). [2]
  • A resounding 66% of the total funds necessary to fight bot attacks are attributed to the ongoing management, maintenance, and postevent remediation of their bot mitigation solution – as opposed to the cost of the anti. [2]
  • 65% of organizations say it took more than a week to configure and optimize their bot solution prior to deployment. [2]
  • 92% say that the person responsible for bot mitigation rules and policies spends on average a total of 25 or more hours each month managing or maintaining them. [2]
  • 63% report that it takes one week or more across roles to remediate a successful bot attack. [2]
  • This explains why the majority of respondents (87%). [2]
  • A Frictionless Customer Experience is Paramount Survey Finding More than a third (35%). [2]
  • 87% of companies say the customer experience would be improved by eliminating CAPTCHAs altogether, demonstrating the need for an alternative means of validating traffic is human. [2]
  • This is something we’ve witnessed firsthand, as 85% of our customers contacted us after using another anti. [2]
  • For example, organizations with malicious bot traffic can allow a small percentage of traffic to access their website in order to minimize the negative impacts without alerting the bot operator 4. [3]
  • On average, it is estimated that between 10% and 40% of web traffic is malicious bots. [4]
  • Most Accurate Ground breaking detection engine identifies and categorises more bots than any other detection techniques with <0.001% false positive rate. [4]
  • BALANCE was able to detect LFA bots at a precision of 97.64% and had HTTP response time of 2 seconds during the LFA attack. [5]
  • Automated traffic typically accounts for over 50% of overall traffic and in 2018, Verizon reported that 81% of hacking related breaches leveraged compromised credentials². [6]
  • According to Cisco, by 2024 there will be more than 28.5 billion global network connectionsÂł. [6]
  • That’s 256% more network connections than human beings on the planet. [6]
  • Within a week, Intent Analytics enabled our customer to identify and mitigate the most aggressive bot traffic to successfully reduce website requests by 109%. [6]
  • Sflow analyzer may be embedded into the controller, and its communication overhead requires just 0.02 percent of a 10 GB Ethernet connection, response discovery time 5 secs, and control time equals 10 secs, according to their research. [7]
  • Bad bots make up over 20% of corporate website traffic. [8]
  • Bots are a glaring reality of the present times and account for 40% of internet traffic. [9]
  • Over 99% of infrastructure layer attacks detected by AWS Shield Standard are automatically mitigated in less than 1 second for attacks on Amazon CloudFront. [10]
  • Their mitigation strategies block bots without impacting real users our false positive rate is now less than 0.01%.”. [11]
  • As stated in Reference [20], an important issue for any defence scheme based on statistical methods is the need to work with specific traffic profiles. [12]
  • These four features have been selected because, according to the literature, different variations in the measured entropy of these traffic features can lead to the detection of anomalies in the network traffic [17]. [12]
  • Mean Standard Deviation 3 1 100% 90% 16.32 2.17 3 2 100% 20% 20.20 6.38 3 3 90% 20% * 19.06 9.27. [12]
  • 5 2 100% 70% 20.96 7.04 5 3 100% 20% * 19.30 3.66 10 1 100% 60% 22.82 10.38. [12]
  • 10 2 100% 60% 21.41 7.25. [12]
  • 10 3 100% 20% * 21.27 8.56. [12]
  • 20 1 100% 80% 26.93 13.45. [12]
  • 20 2 100% 40% 24.03 14.14. [12]
  • 20 3 80% 20% * 26.98 10.89. [12]
  • After that, no false positives were detected, that is, for this scenario the false positive ratio was 0%. [12]

I know you want to use Bot Detection and Mitigation Software, thus we made this list of best Bot Detection and Mitigation Software. We also wrote about how to learn Bot Detection and Mitigation Software and how to install Bot Detection and Mitigation Software. Recently we wrote how to uninstall Bot Detection and Mitigation Software for newbie users. Don’t forgot to check latest Bot Detection and Mitigation statistics of 2024.


  1. brookings –
  2. imperva –
  3. kasada –
  4. akamai –
  5. netacea –
  6. ieee –
  7. netacea –
  8. hindawi –
  9. link11 –
  10. indusface –
  11. amazon –
  12. cloudflare –
  13. nih –

How Useful is Bot Detection and Mitigation

Bots are automated software applications that perform tasks repeatedly and at a much faster rate than humans can. While some bots are harmless and perform useful functions, such as search engine crawlers and chatbots, others can be disruptive and harmful. Malicious bots can carry out a wide range of activities, including spamming, data scraping, click fraud, DDoS attacks, and spreading misinformation.

The need for bot detection and mitigation has become increasingly urgent as bot technology becomes more sophisticated and the scale of bot attacks grows. Organizations across industries are facing the challenge of distinguishing between legitimate user interactions and bot activities. Failure to effectively detect and mitigate bots can lead to a variety of negative consequences, including financial losses, reputational damage, and compromised user trust.

One of the main benefits of bot detection and mitigation is the prevention of fraudulent activities. Bots can be used to carry out fraudulent activities, such as fake account creation, fake ad clicks, and fraudulent transactions. By detecting and blocking malicious bots, organizations can protect themselves from financial losses and maintain the integrity of their online platforms.

Bot detection and mitigation also play a critical role in ensuring a level playing field for all users. In the online ecosystem, bots can be used to gain an unfair advantage in various contexts, such as gaming, e-commerce, and social media. By preventing bots from manipulating rankings, engagement metrics, and user interactions, organizations can create a more equitable environment for legitimate users.

Moreover, bot detection and mitigation are essential for protecting the security and privacy of users. Malicious bots can be used to carry out cyber-attacks, such as DDoS attacks, credential stuffing, and account takeovers. By identifying and blocking malicious bots, organizations can prevent data breaches, unauthorized access, and other cybersecurity threats.

To effectively detect and mitigate bots, organizations need to utilize a combination of technologies and strategies. This may include implementing anti-bot solutions, such as CAPTCHAs, rate limiting, behavioral analysis, and machine learning algorithms. Organizations also need to continuously monitor bot activities, analyze patterns and trends, and adjust their defense mechanisms accordingly.

While bot detection and mitigation are essential tools in the fight against online threats, it is important to note that they are not foolproof. As bot technology evolves, so do the tactics used by malicious actors. Organizations need to remain vigilant and adaptable in their approach to combatting bots, staying abreast of emerging threats and adopting new technologies and strategies as needed.

In conclusion, bot detection and mitigation are crucial components of cybersecurity and online platform integrity. By effectively detecting and mitigating bots, organizations can protect themselves from fraudulent activities, ensure a fair and secure online environment, and safeguard the security and privacy of their users.

In Conclusion

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