Data De-identification and Pseudonymity Statistics 2024 – Everything You Need to Know

Are you looking to add Data De-identification and Pseudonymity to your arsenal of tools? Maybe for your business or personal use only, whatever it is – it’s always a good idea to know more about the most important Data De-identification and Pseudonymity statistics of 2024.

My team and I scanned the entire web and collected all the most useful Data De-identification and Pseudonymity stats on this page. You don’t need to check any other resource on the web for any Data De-identification and Pseudonymity statistics. All are here only 🙂

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Best Data De-identification and Pseudonymity Statistics

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Data De-identification and Pseudonymity Latest Statistics

  • As of the publication of this guidance, the information can be extracted from the detailed tables of the “Census 2000 Summary File 1 100. [0]
  • According to section 164.514 of the HIPAA Privacy Rule, “healthinformation that does not identify an individual and with respect. [1]
  • According to the 18th item in Safe Harbor , “anyunique identifying number, characteristic, or code” must beremoved from the data set; otherwise it would be considered personalhealth information. [1]
  • In an earlier opinion the Article29 Data Protection Working Party emphasized theimportance of “likely reasonable” in the definition ofidentifiable information in the 95/46/EC Directive. [1]
  • Data for 2010 show that 19 percent of health care organizationssuffered a data breach within the previous year ; data for 2012 showthat this number rose to 27 percent. [1]
  • At thesame time, it should be recognized that, even when such information wasmade available, the attack reported in Haggie was successful 12 percent ofthe time and unsuccessful 5 percent of the time. [1]
  • Articles 32, 33 and 34 as a security measure helping to make data breaches “unlikely to result in a risk to the rights and freedoms of natural persons” thereby reducing liability and notification obligations for data breaches. [2]
  • Using our model, we find that 99.98% of Americans would be correctly re identified in any dataset using 15 demographic attributes. [3]
  • They argue that this provides strong plausible deniability to participants and reduce the risks, making such de identified datasets anonymous including according to GDPR 32,33,34,35. [3]
  • Once trained, our model allows us to predict whether the reidentification of an individual is correct with an average false discovery rate of <6.7% for a 95% threshold. [3]
  • p\right)^{n }x, x, …, xn) and the estimated uniqueness \widehat {\Xi. [3]
  • a We compare, for each population, empirical and estimated population uniqueness for each population, with 100 independent trials per population). [3]
  • For example, date of birth, location , marital status, and gender uniquely identify 78.7% of the 3 million people in this population that our model estimates to be 78.2 ± 0.5%. [3]
  • b Absolute error when estimating USA’s population uniqueness when the disclosed dataset is randomly sampled from 10% to 0.1%. [3]
  • The boxplots show the distribution of mean absolute error for population uniqueness, at one subsampling fraction across all USA populations. [3]
  • p \times np = 0.1% or 3061 records). [3]
  • For instance, our model achieves an MAE of 0.029 ± 0.015 when the dataset only contains 1% of the USA population and an MAE of 0.041 ± 0.053 on average across every corpus. [3]
  • 2a shows that, when trained on 1% of the USA populations, our model predicts very well individual uniqueness, achieving a mean AUC ) of 0.89. [3]
  • For each population, to avoid overfitting, we train the model on a single 1% sample, then select 1000 records, independent from the training sample, to test the model. [3]
  • ROC curves for the other populations are available in Supplementary Fig. 3 and have overall a mean AUC of 0.93 and mean false discovery rate of 6.67% for \widehat {\xi _{\boldsymbol{x}}}\, > \, 0.951). [3]
  • Our model outperforms by 39% the best theoretically achievable prediction using population uniqueness across every corpus. [3]
  • A red point shows the Brier Score obtained by our model, when trained on a 1% sample. [3]
  • We train our model on the 5% Public Use Microdata Sample files using ZIP code, date of birth, and gender and validate it using the last national estimate 25. [3]
  • Table 1 and Supplementary Note 7 show that, at very small sampling fraction (below 0.1%). [3]
  • Incorporating exogenous information reduces, e.g., the mean MAE of uniqueness across all corpora by 48.6% for a 0.1% sample. [3]
  • In practice, we estimate the expected mutual information between {\cal{D}}_i For n individuals x, x, …, xn)X, the uniqueness Ξ is the expected percentage of unique individuals. [3]
  • x The USA corpus, extracted from the 1 Percent Public Use Microdata Sample files, is available at https// [3]
  • The 5% PUMS files used to estimate the correctness of Governor Weld’s re identification are also available at the same address. [3]
  • As a well known study shows, it’s possible to personally identify 87 percent of the U.S. population based on just three data points fivedigit ZIP code, gender, and dateof. [4]
  • With both technical and administrative protections, the probability of re identifying data is thus one percent of one percent, or one in 10,000. [5]
  • That is, does 10% of your data have a low k value or does 90% of your data have a low k value?. [6]
  • In the example above, we see that 100% of the data maps to fewer than 10 people. [6]
  • To fix this, without dropping 100% of rows, we applied generalization to convert ages to age ranges. [6]
  • Here is the graph after the transform Now only 3.9% of the rows and 21.15% of the unique values fall below the k=10 threshold. [6]
  • So as a result, we reduced the re identifiability while preserving much of the data utility, dropping only 3.9% of rows. [6]

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  1. hhs –
  2. nih –
  3. wikipedia –
  4. nature –
  5. iapp –
  6. stanfordlawreview –
  7. google –

How Useful is Data De Identification and Pseudonymity

De-identification is the process of removing or altering personally identifiable information from a dataset so that it can no longer be linked back to an individual. This can be done through techniques such as data masking, hashing, and encryption. Pseudonymity, on the other hand, involves replacing identifying information with pseudonyms or aliases to protect individuals’ identities.

One of the main advantages of data de-identification and pseudonymity is their ability to protect individual privacy while still allowing for valuable research and analysis to be conducted. By stripping away personal details, organizations can share and analyze data without compromising the identities of those involved. This is particularly important in fields such as healthcare and finance, where sensitive information must be handled carefully.

Another benefit of these techniques is that they can help organizations comply with data protection regulations, such as the GDPR in Europe. By de-identifying or pseudonymizing data, companies can reduce the risk of unauthorized access or data breaches, while still being able to leverage the insights stored within their datasets. This balance between privacy and utility is crucial in today’s data-driven world.

However, it is important to recognize that data de-identification and pseudonymity are not foolproof. While they can be effective at obscuring identities, there is always a risk that data could be re-identified through clever analysis or in combination with other datasets. As data practices and technology evolve, so too must our approaches to privacy and security.

Additionally, there are ethical considerations to take into account when de-identifying or pseudonymizing data. It is vital to ensure that individuals’ rights are respected and that their data is being handled responsibly. Transparency and accountability are key principles to follow in this process, to build trust and confidence with the public.

In conclusion, data de-identification and pseudonymity are powerful tools in safeguarding privacy and enabling data sharing and analysis. While they are not without their limitations, when used thoughtfully and responsibly, they can play a critical role in balancing individual rights with collective benefits. As technology continues to advance, it is imperative that we stay vigilant in protecting data and upholding ethical standards in the digital age.

In Conclusion

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