Email Tracking Statistics 2024 – Everything You Need to Know

Are you looking to add Email Tracking to your arsenal of tools? Maybe for your business or personal use only, whatever it is – it’s always a good idea to know more about the most important Email Tracking statistics of 2024.

My team and I scanned the entire web and collected all the most useful Email Tracking stats on this page. You don’t need to check any other resource on the web for any Email Tracking statistics. All are here only 🙂

How much of an impact will Email Tracking have on your day-to-day? or the day-to-day of your business? Should you invest in Email Tracking? We will answer all your Email Tracking related questions here.

Please read the page carefully and don’t miss any word. 🙂

Best Email Tracking Statistics

☰ Use “CTRL+F” to quickly find statistics. There are total 36 Email Tracking Statistics on this page 🙂

Email Tracking Market Statistics

  • Believe it or not, there’s a natural decay of your email marketing list, and it expires by about 22.5% every year which means that it’s more important than ever to pay attention to growing your subscriber list and keeping it at a healthy size. [0]
  • Estimates vary, but average ROIs for this marketing channel settle at around 122%. [1]
  • How 1440 Media used email marketing to gain 1M+ subscribers and a 55%+ open rate. [2]

Email Tracking Latest Statistics

  • Example 500 total clicks ÷ 10,000 delivered emails * 100 = 5% clickthrough rate. [0]
  • Example 75 bounced emails ÷ 10,000 total emails sent * 100 = 0.75% bounce rate. [0]
  • Example ÷ 10,000 email addresses on the list * 100 = 4% list growth rate. [0]
  • Example 100 clicks on a share/forward button ÷ 10,000 total delivered emails * 100 = 1% email sharing/forwarding rate. [0]
  • * 100 = a 900% return on investment for the campaign. [0]
  • Another way to calculate your delivery rate is to subtract your bounce rate from 100%. [1]
  • As a rule of thumb, it’s best to aim for a delivery rate of 95% or higher. [1]
  • In general, an open rate in the range of 15 to 25% can be considered healthy. [1]
  • Number of delivered emails) * 100%. [1]
  • A CTR of 5% reflects that for every 100 subscribers you sent an email to, five of them actually followed a link it contained. [1]
  • Campaign Monitor’s annual benchmarks suggest an average email CTR rate of 2.6%. [1]
  • Here’s a simple formula for calculating email conversion rate Conversion Rate = * 100%. [1]
  • Payday HCM has reduced reponse times by 71% since they began using Email Meter, meaning less missed leads and unhappy customers. [3]
  • The team at Fujifilm Mexico managed to reduce the number of emails sent outside of work hours by 16.5%, leading to reduced burnout and a happier team. [3]
  • After all, 45% of recipients say that they “like brands that do not take themselves too seriously”, so don’t be afraid to break out of the old standards. [4]
  • IT/Tech/Software 22.7% 2.0% 9.8% 0.2% Logistics & Wholesale 23.4% 2.0% 11.7% 0.3% Media, Entertainment, Publishing 23.9% 2.9% 12.4% 0.1% Nonprofit 26.6% 2.7% 10.2% 0.2%. [2]
  • Other 19.9% 2.6% 13.2% 0.3% Professional Services 19.3% 2.1% 11.1% 0.2% Real Estate, Design, Construction 21.7% 3.6% 17.2% 0.2% Retail 17.1% 0.7% 5.8% 0.1% Travel, Hospitality, Leisure 20.2% 1.4% 8.7% 0.2%. [2]
  • Wellness & Fitness 19.2% 1.2% 6.0% 0.4% Average Totals 21.5% (+3.5%) 2.3% (0.3%) 10.5% (3.6%). [2]
  • The Education industry, for example, has the highest open rate, and the highest click through rate at 28.5% and 4.4%, respectively. [2]
  • As an industry, it holds the title for both lowest open rate by industry (17.1%). [2]
  • Real Estate, Design, & Construction has the highest clickto open rate at 17.2% no doubt riding the real estate boom in 2021. [2]
  • While it may not seem like much on the surface, those swings in average open rate across all industries (up 3.5% yearoveryear), and clickto open rate (down 3.6%). [2]
  • This is something we’ll likely see more of as users continue to activate the feature, so it’s definitely something to keep an eye on heading into 2024. [2]
  • Day of the week Open Rate ClickThrough Rate Clickto Open Rate Unsubscribe Rate Sunday 20.3% 2.1% 10.1% 0.1% Monday 22.0% 2.3% 10.6% 0.1% Tuesday 21.8% 2.4% 10.8% 0.1% Wednesday 21.8% 2.3% 10.7% 0.1%. [2]
  • Friday 21.6% 2.2% 10.1% 0.1% Saturday 20.5% 2.1% 10.1% 0.1%. [2]
  • Best days with highest clickto open rates Wednesday and Tuesday (10.8%) Email unsubscribe rates were virtually identical throughout the week (0.1%). [2]
  • Worst days with lowest click through rates Saturday & Sunday (2.1%). [2]
  • Worst day with lowest clickto open rates Friday, Saturday, Sunday (10.1%). [2]
  • Unsubscribe Rate AMER 21.0% 2.2% 10.4% 0.1% UK 22.9% 2.4% 10.6% 0.1% EU 22.1% 2.2% 10.7% 0.2% APAC 22.4% 3.0% 13.4% 0.3%. [2]
  • For example, when 20% of 10 email recipients open the email, Viva Insights displays the open rate as “< 25%.”. [5]
  • For example, when 96% of the 25 email recipients open the email, Viva Insights displays the open rate as “> 95%.”. [5]
  • Open rate reported 5 10 Minimum 25% 11 20 Minimum 10% > 21 Minimum 5% For more information, see Email read rates and document open rates. [5]
  • The option you selected shows the email subject line and a summary of the open rate, the open rate , and the number of forwards. [5]

I know you want to use Email Tracking Software, thus we made this list of best Email Tracking Software. We also wrote about how to learn Email Tracking Software and how to install Email Tracking Software. Recently we wrote how to uninstall Email Tracking Software for newbie users. Don’t forgot to check latest Email Tracking statistics of 2024.


  1. hubspot –
  2. velocitize –
  3. campaignmonitor –
  4. emailmeter –
  5. snov –
  6. microsoft –

How Useful is Email Tracking

Proponents of email tracking argue that it provides valuable insights into recipient behavior and engagement, allowing senders to tailor their communication strategies accordingly. By knowing when an email was opened and how it was interacted with, marketers can better understand which messages resonate with their audience and adjust their content accordingly. This level of insight can help businesses increase their conversions and improve their overall email marketing strategy.

Email tracking can also be a valuable tool for individuals looking to streamline their communication efforts. By knowing when an email has been opened, recipients can better gauge when to follow up or when to reach out through a different channel. This can save time and reduce the frustration that often comes with unanswered emails.

However, critics of email tracking argue that it raises serious privacy concerns. The ability to monitor when and where an email is opened can feel intrusive and may erode trust between sender and recipient. In a time when concerns over data privacy are at an all-time high, the idea of someone tracking our every move within our inbox can feel like a violation of personal boundaries.

Moreover, the data collected through email tracking may not always be a true reflection of recipient engagement. For example, opening an email does not necessarily mean that the recipient has read or engaged with its contents. It is entirely possible for someone to open an email briefly before closing it unread, leading to misleading data on engagement rates.

Another downside to email tracking is its potential for misuse. In some cases, email tracking tools can be used by malicious actors to gather personal information or track someone’s online activity without their consent. This poses a significant risk to individuals who may not be aware that their email activity is being monitored.

In conclusion, the usefulness of email tracking ultimately depends on how it is implemented and for what purpose. While it can undoubtedly provide valuable insights for businesses and individuals looking to optimize their communication efforts, it also raises serious concerns around privacy and data security. As email tracking continues to evolve, it is essential for users to be aware of its implications and consider the potential trade-offs between convenience and privacy.

In Conclusion

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We tried our best to provide all the Email Tracking statistics on this page. Please comment below and share your opinion if we missed any Email Tracking statistics.

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