Image Recognition Statistics 2024 – Everything You Need to Know

Are you looking to add Image Recognition to your arsenal of tools? Maybe for your business or personal use only, whatever it is – it’s always a good idea to know more about the most important Image Recognition statistics of 2024.

My team and I scanned the entire web and collected all the most useful Image Recognition stats on this page. You don’t need to check any other resource on the web for any Image Recognition statistics. All are here only 🙂

How much of an impact will Image Recognition have on your day-to-day? or the day-to-day of your business? Should you invest in Image Recognition? We will answer all your Image Recognition related questions here.

Please read the page carefully and don’t miss any word. 🙂

Best Image Recognition Statistics

☰ Use “CTRL+F” to quickly find statistics. There are total 57 Image Recognition Statistics on this page 🙂

Image Recognition Market Statistics

  • In 2019, 39% of the facial recognition market share was accounted for by North America. [0]
  • Between 2020 and 2027, the facial recognition market is projected to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 14.5%. [0]

Image Recognition Latest Statistics

  • In a [8]discriminativeapproach to the problem,fis estimated directly. [1]
  • 86% of adults in the United States are familiar with facial recognition technology and 13% have zero knowledge at all. [0]
  • 74% of US adults believe that facial recognition technology is effective in identifying individuals accurately. [0]
  • 56% of Americans trust that law enforcement will use facial recognition technology responsibly to assess for threats in public areas. [0]
  • When it comes to ethnicity, White adult Americans (64%) agree that law enforcement can be trusted with facial recognition technology than Black (47%) and Hispanic (55%). [0]
  • Only 16% of Americans agree that the government should strictly limit the use of facial recognition technology. [0]
  • On the other hand, 55% disagree with strictly regulating facial recognition, especially when its use concerns public safety. [0]
  • Meanwhile, 59.4% of American adults agree that the police should be allowed to use facial recognition in tracking down suspects if the technology has a 100% facial recognition accuracy statistics rate. [0]
  • 343489 16.1% of Americans, however, strongly agree that the government should regulate the use of surveillance cameras. [0]
  • Furthermore, they were able to reunite more than 50% of the identified missing children with their families. [0]
  • Facial recognition was predicted. [0]
  • In the US, 30% of adults agree that it is acceptable for companies to use facial recognition in employee attendance monitoring. [0]
  • A study reveals that only 32% of consumers are comfortable with the use of facial recognition by private companies. [0]
  • When it comes to apartment owners incorporating facial recognition to enhance security, 30% of American adults agree and 34% do not think it is an acceptable measure. [0]
  • 74% of hotel operators agree that the use of biometrics to identify hotel staff will become mainstream by 2025. [0]
  • 62% of customers agree that using facial recognition technology to identify hotel guests will enhance their experience. [0]
  • Furthermore, 41% claim that they are more likely to visit hotels that have automated facial recognition services. [0]
  • Utilizing facial recognition technology in retail stores can reduce violent incidents by 91%. [0]
  • Furthermore, 49% of individuals believe that stores should be equipped with facial recognition technology to combat shoplifting cases. [0]
  • Meanwhile, in Spain, a study by CaixaBank shows that 70% of users would be willing to use facial recognition instead of PIN when withdrawing money from ATMs. [0]
  • Gender identification is 99% accurate on photos of white men, but a facial recognition error rate of nearly 35% occurs when identifying the gender on photos of darker. [0]
  • While the performance of the systems varies, the results appear to be promising as the best performing facial recognition system was able to deliver a 96% identification rate. [0]
  • On the other hand, the worst performing system was able to correctly identify 4% of the volunteers while wearing face masks. [0]
  • Awareness of facial recognition technology according to adults in the United States as of July 2019. [0]
  • Facial recognition statistics in airports Survey shows 43% approve, 33% disapprove. [0]
  • Only one in three Americans (32.5%). [2]
  • Conversely, 42.6% of those surveyed approve of the use of facial recognition technology to improve security and boarding speed. [2]
  • One quarter of Americans (24.8%). [2]
  • Strongly disagree 24.45% Facial recognition technology at airports works in conjunction with law enforcement and government databases to recognize the passenger. [2]
  • The matching is instantaneous and is 99% accurate. [2]
  • With a plan to roll out this technology at 97% of airports by 2024, this will quickly become a new normal. [2]
  • Stats show up to 35% errors for darker skinned women, compared to 1% errors for white males. [2]
  • By 2021, facial recognition will be in use at the top 20 U.S. airports for 100% of international passengers, including American citizens. [2]
  • With 99% accuracy, it takes 2 seconds to analyze a face in the system. [2]
  • 31% very unfavorable 13% somewhat unfavorable 13% somewhat favorable 18% very favorable 25% don’t know or no answer. [2]
  • Traditional Feature ExtractionAccording to Reference [7, C. Barata, M. Ruela, M. Francisco, T. Mendonça, and J. S. Marques, “Two systems for the detection of melanomas in dermoscopy images using texture and color. [3]
  • According to Reference [7, C. Barata, M. Ruela, M. Francisco, T. Mendonça, and J. S. Marques, “Two systems for the detection of melanomas in dermoscopy images using texture and color. [3]
  • As of April 2020, the best face identification algorithm has an error rate of just for the leading algorithm in 2014, according to tests by the National Institute of Standards and Technology .[1]. [4]
  • The test found that when using footage of passengers entering through boarding gates a relatively controlled setting the best algorithm had an accuracy rate of 94.4%.[6]. [4]
  • In contrast, leading algorithms identifying individuals walking through a sporting venue a much more challenging environment had accuracies ranging between 36% and 87%, depending on camera placement.[7]. [4]
  • Though one top algorithm achieved 87% accuracy at the sporting venue, the median algorithm achieved just 40% accuracy working off imagery from the same camera.[8]. [4]
  • For example, one indicative set of algorithms tested under the FRVT had an average miss rate of 4.7% on photos “from the wild” when matching without any confidence threshold. [4]
  • Once a threshold requiring the algorithm to only return a result if it was 99% certain of its finding was imposed, the miss rate jumped to 35%. [4]
  • This means that in around 30% of cases, the algorithm identified the correct individual, but did so at below 99% confidence, and so reported back that it did not find a match. [4]
  • In 28 instances (around 5% of all members tested). [4]
  • The ACLU ran its search using a confidence threshold of 80%, Amazon’s default threshold. [4]
  • This is a very low confidence level, and far below Amazon’s recommended threshold of 95% for law enforcement activities. [4]
  • Measures to protect against misidentification will always be important, as facial recognition will never be 100% accurate. [4]
  • All trials were performed according to the principles of the Declaration of Helsinki [5], the laws applicable in the respective countries, and “Good Clinical Practices” [6]. [5]
  • For the purpose of this analysis, the bleeding intensity categories have been standardized according to WHO terminology [7] as “none”, “spotting”, and “bleeding”. [5]
  • Of these 3246 (57.9%) women were treated with hormone replacement therapy after menopause, 2035 (36.3%) were aged 18 to 35 and took an oral contraceptive, and 321 (5.7%). [5]
  • A total of 4612 (82.3%). [5]
  • An exploratory data analysis of the bleeding diaries revealed that 1288 (27.9%). [5]
  • On the other hand, 3172 (68.8%). [5]
  • According to the semipartial R2, the cubic cluster criterion, the pseudoF, and the pseudo t statistic, the solutions with three, four, six, and twelve clusters could be of clinical relevance. [5]

I know you want to use Image Recognition Software, thus we made this list of best Image Recognition Software. We also wrote about how to learn Image Recognition Software and how to install Image Recognition Software. Recently we wrote how to uninstall Image Recognition Software for newbie users. Don’t forgot to check latest Image Recognition statistics of 2024.


  1. financesonline –
  2. wikipedia –
  3. reservations –
  4. hindawi –
  5. csis –
  6. biomedcentral –

How Useful is Image Recognition

One of the most practical applications of image recognition is in the realm of security. By using cameras and advanced algorithms, security systems can quickly identify potential threats and alert authorities before any harm is done. This has been particularly helpful in places like airports, where the technology can help prevent potential terrorist attacks. Additionally, image recognition is being used in the field of law enforcement to identify suspects and solve crimes. The ability to quickly analyze large amounts of visual data has vastly improved investigators’ ability to track down criminals and bring them to justice.

Beyond security, image recognition has endless possibilities in various industries. In healthcare, it has been used to quickly diagnose medical conditions and assist in surgeries. By analyzing medical images, doctors can more accurately pinpoint issues and provide better treatment options for patients. In retail, image recognition is revolutionizing the way retailers manage their inventory and interact with customers. By analyzing photos of products, retailers can quickly identify merchandise, track sales trends, and even predict future consumer preferences.

In the automotive industry, image recognition is essential for the development of self-driving cars. By using cameras and sensors, these vehicles can “see” the road and other vehicles, making split-second decisions to navigate safely. This technology has the potential to greatly reduce traffic accidents and congestion, as well as provide greater mobility for those who are unable to drive themselves.

Despite its many benefits, image recognition technology also raises important ethical concerns. For example, issues of privacy and surveillance have been widely debated, particularly in the context of facial recognition technology. In some cases, this technology has been misused or implemented without proper oversight, leading to concerns about potential abuses of power and infringement on civil liberties. Additionally, there are concerns about bias and accuracy in how image recognition algorithms are trained and used, as they can sometimes lead to discriminatory outcomes or errors.

Ultimately, the usefulness of image recognition technology comes down to how it is implemented and regulated. When used responsibly and ethically, this technology has the potential to improve countless aspects of our lives, from healthcare to transportation to security. It is important for policymakers, industry leaders, and the public to engage in thoughtful discussions about the implications of image recognition and work together to ensure that it is used in a way that benefits society as a whole. As this technology continues to evolve and expand, it is crucial that we remain vigilant in how it is deployed and strive to maximize its benefits while minimizing its risks.

In Conclusion

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