Natural Language Generation (NLG) Statistics 2024 – Everything You Need to Know

Are you looking to add Natural Language Generation (NLG) to your arsenal of tools? Maybe for your business or personal use only, whatever it is – it’s always a good idea to know more about the most important Natural Language Generation (NLG) statistics of 2024.

My team and I scanned the entire web and collected all the most useful Natural Language Generation (NLG) stats on this page. You don’t need to check any other resource on the web for any Natural Language Generation (NLG) statistics. All are here only 🙂

How much of an impact will Natural Language Generation (NLG) have on your day-to-day? or the day-to-day of your business? Should you invest in Natural Language Generation (NLG)? We will answer all your Natural Language Generation (NLG) related questions here.

Please read the page carefully and don’t miss any word. 🙂

Best Natural Language Generation (NLG) Statistics

☰ Use “CTRL+F” to quickly find statistics. There are total 21 Natural Language Generation (NLG) Statistics on this page 🙂

Natural Language Generation (NLG) Benefits Statistics

  • To give an example, a well known marketing agency PR 20/20 has used the benefits of Natural Language Generation to minimize analysis and production time with Google Analytics reports by a staggering 80%. [0]

Natural Language Generation (NLG) Market Statistics

  • To give an example, a well known marketing agency PR 20/20 has used the benefits of Natural Language Generation to minimize analysis and production time with Google Analytics reports by a staggering 80%. [0]

Natural Language Generation (NLG) Adoption Statistics

  • Over the years, even though we have seen the success and adoption of Big Data, only 20% of employees that have access to BI tools actually use them, according to research. [0]

Natural Language Generation (NLG) Latest Statistics

  • In just a few short weeks, the NLG solution achieved BLEU scores above 99% on unseen Fox Sports testing dataset, significantly improving the readability of narratives compared to test benchmarks. [1]
  • With models combined to form the preceding architecture, the output narrative has on average 13% lower perplexity compared to original rulebased, template generated narratives, and all the information is maintained. [1]
  • They are the best approach for solving many NLG problems, especially we add rules when appropriate (ie, dont insist on 100% pure ML). [2]
  • We ensured by manually checking a small number of initial trial tasks that these automatic validation methods were able to correctly identify and reject 100% of bad submissions.3.2. [3]
  • Based on these findings, we decided to use pictorial MRs to collect 20% of the full dataset and textual MRs for the rest of the data in order to keep noise and production costs low while increasing diversity. [3]
  • This is immediately apparent for SFRest or SFRest inf, which are up to 40% shorter in terms of words and tokens. [3]
  • The largest proportion of the datasets is composed of simple sentences , but the proportion of simple texts is much lower for the E2E NLG dataset (46%) compared to others (59–66%). [3]
  • There are 14% level 2 sentences in the E2E dataset; BAGEL only has 7% and SFRest 9%, butinformMRs. [3]
  • The E2E dataset contains 18% level 3 sentences, similar to BAGEL but more than SFRest’s 12% (13% ininformMRs). [3]
  • The results of our sample probe in Table 5 indicate that roughly 40% of our data contains either additional or omitted information. [3]
  • This way we can determine the range of ranks where each system is placed 95% of the time or more often. [3]
  • System architectures are coded with colours and symbols ♥seq2seq,♦other datadriven,♣rulebased,â™ templatebased.% Level02% Level67LS2MSTTR. [3]
  • TrueSkill measurements of quality and naturalness for all primary systems (significance cluster number, TrueSkill value, range of ranks where the system falls in 95% of cases or more, system name). [3]
  • The results also show that some data driven systems are able to achieve very good coverage (especially Sheff1, Gong and Slug, with SER estimates below 1.5%). [3]
  • We ensured by manually checking a small number of initial trial tasks that these automatic validation methods were able to correctly identify and reject 100% of bad submissions. [3]
  • For example, BLEURT is ~48% more accurate than BLEU on the WMT Metrics Shared Task of 2019. [4]
  • Amtrak earns 30 percent more revenue on 25 percent more bookings than it could without Julie’s NLP technology handling the bulk of the call volume. [5]
  • Even Gartner predicts that 20% of business content will be authored through machines using Natural Language Generation and will be integrated into major smart data discovery platforms by 2018. [0]

I know you want to use Natural Language Generation (NLG) Software, thus we made this list of best Natural Language Generation (NLG) Software. We also wrote about how to learn Natural Language Generation (NLG) Software and how to install Natural Language Generation (NLG) Software. Recently we wrote how to uninstall Natural Language Generation (NLG) Software for newbie users. Don’t forgot to check latest Natural Language Generation (NLG) statistics of 2024.


  1. chatbotsmagazine –
  2. amazon –
  3. ehudreiter –
  4. sciencedirect –
  5. googleblog –
  6. persado –

How Useful is Natural Language Generation

One of the most significant benefits of NLG is its ability to speed up the content creation process. By automatically generating written content based on structured data or pre-defined templates, NLG can ensure that high-quality content is produced at a much faster rate than if done manually. This not only saves time but also allows businesses to provide timely and relevant information to their audience, ultimately enhancing customer satisfaction.

Furthermore, NLG can also help businesses save costs by reducing the need for human content creators. While this may sound concerning to those working in the content creation industry, NLG technology can actually complement human writers by handling repetitive and data-driven tasks, allowing them to focus on more creative and strategic aspects of content development. This way, businesses can allocate their resources more effectively and invest in areas where human input is irreplaceable.

In addition to improving efficiency, NLG can also help businesses enhance the personalization of their content. Through advanced algorithms and machine learning capabilities, NLG can customize content based on user preferences or behavior, ultimately delivering a more tailored and engaging experience to the target audience. Whether it’s crafting personalized product recommendations or generating dynamic email campaigns, NLG technology has the potential to create a more meaningful connection between businesses and their customers.

Despite its many advantages, some may argue that natural language generation lacks the emotional touch and nuance that human writers bring to the table. While it’s true that NLG may not be able to replicate the creativity and intuition of human writers, its primary purpose is to streamline and automate tasks that require speed and accuracy, rather than artistic expression. By understanding the limitations of NLG and utilizing it in combination with human expertise, businesses can achieve a balance between efficiency and creativity in their content creation efforts.

Moving forward, the potential applications of natural language generation are vast and diverse. From improving search engine optimization by creating keyword-rich content to enhancing accessibility by generating text-to-speech applications, NLG has the power to revolutionize how content is created and consumed across various platforms. As technology continues to advance, it’s crucial for businesses and content creators to embrace the benefits of NLG while continuing to nurture and develop their own creative capabilities.

In conclusion, natural language generation is a valuable tool that offers immense benefits to businesses and individuals seeking to streamline their content creation processes. By leveraging NLG technology alongside human creativity and expertise, organizations can maximize efficiency, personalization, and engagement in their content strategies. As the digital landscape continues to evolve, embracing the power of NLG will be essential for staying ahead in an increasingly competitive market.

In Conclusion

Be it Natural Language Generation (NLG) benefits statistics, Natural Language Generation (NLG) usage statistics, Natural Language Generation (NLG) productivity statistics, Natural Language Generation (NLG) adoption statistics, Natural Language Generation (NLG) roi statistics, Natural Language Generation (NLG) market statistics, statistics on use of Natural Language Generation (NLG), Natural Language Generation (NLG) analytics statistics, statistics of companies that use Natural Language Generation (NLG), statistics small businesses using Natural Language Generation (NLG), top Natural Language Generation (NLG) systems usa statistics, Natural Language Generation (NLG) software market statistics, statistics dissatisfied with Natural Language Generation (NLG), statistics of businesses using Natural Language Generation (NLG), Natural Language Generation (NLG) key statistics, Natural Language Generation (NLG) systems statistics, nonprofit Natural Language Generation (NLG) statistics, Natural Language Generation (NLG) failure statistics, top Natural Language Generation (NLG) statistics, best Natural Language Generation (NLG) statistics, Natural Language Generation (NLG) statistics small business, Natural Language Generation (NLG) statistics 2024, Natural Language Generation (NLG) statistics 2021, Natural Language Generation (NLG) statistics 2024 you will find all from this page. 🙂

We tried our best to provide all the Natural Language Generation (NLG) statistics on this page. Please comment below and share your opinion if we missed any Natural Language Generation (NLG) statistics.

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