Nonprofit Auction Statistics 2024 – Everything You Need to Know

Are you looking to add Nonprofit Auction to your arsenal of tools? Maybe for your business or personal use only, whatever it is – it’s always a good idea to know more about the most important Nonprofit Auction statistics of 2024.

My team and I scanned the entire web and collected all the most useful Nonprofit Auction stats on this page. You don’t need to check any other resource on the web for any Nonprofit Auction statistics. All are here only šŸ™‚

How much of an impact will Nonprofit Auction have on your day-to-day? or the day-to-day of your business? Should you invest in Nonprofit Auction? We will answer all your Nonprofit Auction related questions here.

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Best Nonprofit Auction Statistics

ā˜° Use “CTRL+F” to quickly find statistics. There are total 68 Nonprofit Auction Statistics on this page šŸ™‚

Nonprofit Auction Market Statistics

  • 27% of nonprofits spend less than $1,000 of their budget on marketing a year. [0]
  • A rule of thumb is that live auction items will produce 6575% of their retail or fair market value, while silent auctions will result in 50 65% of their fair market value. [1]
  • If, say, a bottle of wine has a fair market value of $40 and sells for $20, then the PVR = $20 / $40 = 50%. [2]
  • Consider setting a 30 50% bidding price of each itemā€™s original or market value. [3]

Nonprofit Auction Latest Statistics

  • 18% of Americans have said that supporting youth and family causes are most important to them. [0]
  • Men between the ages of 18 and 34 are more likely to make a charitable donation than any other group. [0]
  • 60% of millennials donate an average of $481 to nonprofits each year. [0]
  • 69% of all donations are made by individuals.17% are made byfoundations.10% are made through. [0]
  • Individuals that earn $25,000 or less donate the largest share (16.6%). [0]
  • 12% of all giving happens in the last three days of the year. [0]
  • 35% of all giving happens in the last three months of the year. [0]
  • Monthly donors give 42% more in one year than one. [0]
  • 88% of dollars raised comes from 12% of an organizationā€™s donors. [0]
  • Giving is projected to increase by 5.1% in 2021. [0]
  • In 2019, religious organizations received the majority (29%). [0]
  • Education organizations received the next highest percentage of total giving (14%). [0]
  • Almost half (45%). [0]
  • Online gifts made up roughly 13% of online gifts in 2020, up from 8.7% of total giving in 2019. [0]
  • Online donations made up 14.1% of all donations received by nonprofits earning less than one million dollars per year. [0]
  • Online giving grew 21 percent in 2020. [0]
  • 47% of donors over the age of 60 give online. [0]
  • 75% of young donors are turned off by outof date websites Donations made on a branded donation form are, on average, 38% larger than contributions made through a generic PayPal page. [0]
  • Supporters are nearly 70% more likely to give a second donation if they used a branded page the first time they made a contribution. [0]
  • Online resources are considered 20% more useful than direct mail when it comes to influencing donors. [0]
  • 57% of people who watch nonprofit videos go on to make a donation. [0]
  • Donors are 34% more likely to give on responsive websites. [0]
  • 42% of traffic to nonprofit websites came from organic traffic in 2020. [0]
  • 74% of American internet users are on Facebook. [0]
  • For nonprofits 1.3% of all online revenue came via Facebook fundraisers. [0]
  • There was a 14% increase in revenue from Facebook Fundraisers in 2020. [0]
  • 81.6% of donors look at your nonprofit website and your social media accounts first for updates on your organization. [0]
  • Approximately 26% of all online giving was processed on mobile devices. [0]
  • 19.4% of nonprofit event registrations occur on mobile devices. [0]
  • 51% of people who visit a nonprofitā€™s website do so on a mobile device. [0]
  • Mobile responsive donation pages yield 34% more donations. [0]
  • Apple devices like iPhones and iPads processed 80% of all mobile donations in past years. [0]
  • Text donors are most likely to be 49to 59years old, married women who have college degrees. [0]
  • 41% of Americans donā€™t have a landline. [0]
  • 91% of Americans own a smartphone and look at them around 80 times a day. [0]
  • 98% of text messages are opened within the first 5 minutes. [0]
  • Nonprofit text messaging audiences grew by 26% in 2020, the same percentage as in 2019. [0]
  • To achieve a 200% ROI for text fundraising, your nonprofit would need to raise $387./. [0]
  • 16.6% of donors who support from an email are doing so on a mobile device. [0]
  • Open rates for nonprofit emails is between 15% and 17.5%. [0]
  • The dollar amount raised by 1,000 fundraising messages sent increased by 35% in 2020. [0]
  • The average response rate for an advocacy email rose 5% in 2020, while the response rate for fundraising emails grew 41% for the same time period. [0]
  • The retention rate for peerto peer fundraisers was 25.1% in 2019, but it dropped to 14.7% in 2020. [0]
  • In fact, 84% of Generation Z is open to becoming a fundraiser on behalf of your organization!. [0]
  • 56% of donors regularly attend fundraising events. [0]
  • 69.9% of nonprofits plan to include some virtual elements in their fundraisers going forward. [0]
  • 23.7% plan to stick with virtual going forward. [0]
  • 65% of Fortune 500 companies offer a matching gifts program. [0]
  • A disadvantage is that they charge; for example, BiddingforGood charges a $595 annual fee and 9% of gross sales. [4]
  • For this purpose, ā€œsubstantially allā€ is generally regarded to mean at least 85%. [4]
  • Consider the following statistics Approximately 25% of donors use mobile devices to discover nonprofits they were unaware of. [5]
  • If youā€™re having both, the live auction typically generates roughly twothirds or 67% of your fundraising revenue, while the silent auction produces one third or 33% of the funds raised. [1]
  • d) Find the best predicted value for an opening bid of $300. [6]
  • Antique collectibles and documents saw the greatest increase, up nearly 60% in total hammer value from 2018 to 2019. [7]
  • Letting bidders buy an item outright (at 150200% of their initial value). [7]
  • As a rule of thumb, strive for your gala costs to be roughly 25% of the total event revenue. [2]
  • On average, the items in your silent auction should take in a PVR of 50% to 60%, and the items in your live auction should take in a PVR of 75% to 85%. [2]
  • Qgivā€™s auction suite starts at $229/month with an additional 3.95% +$0.30 per transaction made. [8]
  • Thereā€™s one all inclusive fee with BenefitEvents, which is 10% of your total online profit up to $25,000 and 5% of bids above $25,000. [8]
  • Android App Bidders (9,818 users / 18%). [9]
  • Android (150,843 bids / 21%). [9]
  • (567,125 bids / 79%) 12.4 bids / bidder. [9]
  • 2018 recorded a growth of 4.1% in overall fundraising. [3]
  • More than half of nonprofits will do 13, but a staggering 27.6% of nonprofits surveyed make zero ā€œtouchesā€ for their year end campaign, with the remaining ~10% making more than 5. [10]

I know you want to use Nonprofit Auction Software, thus we made this list of best Nonprofit Auction Software. We also wrote about how to learn Nonprofit Auction Software and how to install Nonprofit Auction Software. Recently we wrote how to uninstall Nonprofit Auction Software for newbie users. Donā€™t forgot to check latest Nonprofit Auction statistics of 2024.


  1. qgiv –
  2. hazeltinenational –
  3. travelpledge –
  4. iconnectx –
  5. blueavocado –
  6. givesmart –
  7. chegg –
  8. onecause –
  9. donorsearch –
  10. handbid –
  11. neonone –

How Useful is Nonprofit Auction

The first thing that comes to mind when thinking of nonprofit auctions is the potential to bring in substantial amounts of money. The competitive nature of auctions can drive up the prices of items, resulting in significant funds being raised for charitable purposes. This can be especially beneficial for smaller organizations that may struggle to secure large donations. Auctions provide a platform for these nonprofits to engage with donors in an interactive and fun way, ultimately leading to a boost in financial support.

Additionally, nonprofit auctions can help in building relationships with donors. By giving supporters the opportunity to bid on items they are interested in, organizations can create a sense of connection and appreciation among their donors. This can lead to increased donor loyalty and support in the long run. Auctions can also bring new donors into the fold, as the excitement of bidding on items can attract individuals who may not have otherwise been aware of or interested in the organization’s cause.

Nonprofit auctions also present an opportunity for organizations to showcase their mission and impact. By showcasing items or services related to the cause they are advocating for, nonprofits can raise awareness and educate donors about the work they do. This can help in deepening donors’ understanding of the organization’s goals and objectives, potentially leading to increased support and engagement.

Another benefit of nonprofit auctions is the potential for in-kind donations. Many individuals and businesses are willing to donate goods or services to be auctioned off for a good cause. This can help nonprofits save on costs and expand the variety of items available for bidding. In-kind donations also provide an opportunity for businesses to demonstrate their corporate social responsibility and give back to the community.

However, it’s important to note that nonprofit auctions do come with their challenges as well. Managing an auction can be time-consuming and resource-intensive for organizations, requiring careful planning and coordination. Additionally, auctions may not always generate as much revenue as expected, especially if items do not receive competitive bids. This can be disheartening for nonprofits hoping to raise significant funds through their auction efforts.

Overall, nonprofit auctions can be a useful tool for organizations looking to raise funds, engage donors, and showcase their mission. While they may come with challenges, the benefits of hosting an auction can outweigh the drawbacks. By carefully planning and executing their auction strategies, nonprofits can maximize their impact and reach their fundraising goals.

In Conclusion

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