Objectives and Key Results (OKR) Statistics 2024 – Everything You Need to Know

Are you looking to add Objectives and Key Results (OKR) to your arsenal of tools? Maybe for your business or personal use only, whatever it is – it’s always a good idea to know more about the most important Objectives and Key Results (OKR) statistics of 2024.

My team and I scanned the entire web and collected all the most useful Objectives and Key Results (OKR) stats on this page. You don’t need to check any other resource on the web for any Objectives and Key Results (OKR) statistics. All are here only 🙂

How much of an impact will Objectives and Key Results (OKR) have on your day-to-day? or the day-to-day of your business? Should you invest in Objectives and Key Results (OKR)? We will answer all your Objectives and Key Results (OKR) related questions here.

Please read the page carefully and don’t miss any word. 🙂

Best Objectives and Key Results (OKR) Statistics

☰ Use “CTRL+F” to quickly find statistics. There are total 88 Objectives and Key Results (OKR) Statistics on this page 🙂

Objectives and Key Results (OKR) Software Statistics

  • The OKR software provider Ally surveyed U.S. based adults who use OKRs and found that “95% believe they have an understanding of how their work ties into the company’s larger business goals.”. [0]
  • Ally found that “90% of OKR users that utilize goalmanagement software check in or update progress on their goals at least once a month.”. [0]
  • 90% of OKR users that utilize goal management software check in or update progress on their goals at least once a month. [1]
  • 81% of OKR users with goal management software reevaluate and realign goals on a monthly basis. [1]

Objectives and Key Results (OKR) Latest Statistics

  • Since becoming popular at tech organizations including [8] Doerr recommends that an organization’s target success rate for key results be 70%. [2]
  • A 70% success rate encourages competitive goal making that is meant to stretch workers at low risk. [2]
  • If 100% of the key results are consistently being met, the key results should be reevaluated.[6]. [2]
  • If you achieve less than 70% of your KR, it may have not been achievable. [3]
  • If you are regularly achieving 100% of your KRs, your goals may not be ambitious enough. [3]
  • You might score an OKR as 0% if it misses its target date. [3]
  • Or, if it’s less time sensitive, you might penalize it 10% for each week it’s delayed. [3]
  • this will automatically be set to 100%. [3]
  • Does not launching = 0% attainment and launching = 100% attainment?. [3]
  • Present plan to E Group for feedback 40%. [3]
  • 100% Please update scores in addition to status in Key Result Meetings. [3]
  • Once you establish OKRs, you will need to score them, typically using a sliding scale between 0 and 1, or a percentage between zero and 100. [4]
  • A score of 0.3 or 30 percent means you missed the mark, while a score of 0.7 or 70 percent means you made progress but didn’t hit the target, according to Atlassian. [4]
  • A score of 1.0 or 100 percent means you hit your target and accomplished your goal, but Atlassian advises that even a score of 0.7 or 70 percent is considered a success. [4]
  • Shipping feature X increases new user sign ups by 10 percent this quarter.”. [4]
  • Once you establish your OKRs, if you feel “totally confident you can hit a KR” then Atlassian suggests you increase the target by upwards of 30 percent. [4]
  • Within 18 months, they saw 8.5% increase in hourly sales teams with a consistent use of OKRs were 11.5% more likely to move into a higher performance bracket. [5]
  • As Chris Mason, Sr Director, Strategic Talent Solutions, put it, “If you knew there was a tool out there that takes just a few hours each year to use which could increase your chances of high performance by 11.5%, wouldn’t you at least try it?”. [5]
  • Increased engagement– companies that huddle have 5% higher eNPS scores compared to those that don’t. [5]
  • A 2018Gallup studyreported employee engagement is at an all time high, but about 53% of employees still fall in the “not engaged” category. [5]
  • Increasing employee engagement, can contribute to higher productivity, increased retention rates and 21% increase in profitability. [5]
  • Key Result Launch 30% more campaigns. [6]
  • Improve reporting accuracy to the business units by 50%. [6]
  • For example, a more meaningful goal for the engineer might be to improve the accuracy of search engine results by 25%. [6]
  • Sales increased by 40% as all sales are seen & no one wants 2 red down lines in a row!. [7]
  • We also set lofty goals, like 98% occupancy rates, less than 1% missing tickets and 15% plus in annual revenue growth. [8]
  • While most companies set goals, only 16% of knowledge workers say their company is effective at setting and communicating company goals. [9]
  • Even though most companies set goals, research has shown that only 26% of employees have a clear understanding of how their individual work contributes towards company goals. [9]
  • Pay 100% carbon offset for calculated carbon dioxide emissions. [9]
  • Key Result 25% of material is compostable. [9]
  • Key Result 75% of material is biodegradable. [9]
  • 75% of customers prefer Zume to the competitor in a blind taste test. [9]
  • Recommendation score of 8 or above Key Result 40% of MAU use new feature. [9]
  • Increase signupto conversion rate from 15% to 25% Free templates for product teams HR Objective. [9]
  • Increase employee satisfaction by 20% Key Result Achieve 90% employee participation in engagement survey Key Result Double positive manager feedback Free templates for HR teams. [9]
  • Increase annual renewals by 25% Key Result Reduce churn by 10% Free templates for sales teams Examples of personal OKRs OKRs aren’t necessarily limited to the workplace, either. [9]
  • Stretch goals are deliberately challenging goals that you’re not 100% confident you can hit and that’s ok!. [9]
  • In fact, at Asana, we aim to hit about 70% of our goals. [9]
  • However, Asasa found that “only 16% of knowledge workers” say their company effectively sets and communicates company goals. [0]
  • Asanasaid they “aim to hit 70%” of their objectives. [0]
  • Such a shift towards agile goals might sometimes be challenging and time consuming as it requires changes in culture and performance management, as 59% of professionals have reported. [10]
  • Committed goals are the ones that your team knows how to achieve so they fully commit to attaining 100% on the progress bar. [10]
  • Whereas aspirational goals might not get achieved 100% but they are important for growth and ongoing improvement. [10]
  • Only 5% of small business owners achieved all of their goals in 2019. [11]
  • However, the more eye opening statistic is that only 15% of small businesses recorded their full plans for the year, and 27% didn’t document any business strategies. [11]
  • Just 29% of the adult US workforce is familiar with the term. [11]
  • Key Results 3 Increase social media traffic to the website by 15%. [11]
  • For example, if the business wants to grow revenue by 30% yearoveryear , that might not impact your dayto day life in human resources very much. [11]
  • The “sweet spot” for an OKR grade is 60% – 70%; if someone consistently fully attains their objectives, their OKRs aren’t ambitious enough and they need to think bigger Low grades should be viewed as data to help refine the next OKRs OKRs. [12]
  • According to the OKR definition, an OKR consists of 1–5 Objectives — by their nature, they are a qualitative concept, i.e. they are characterized by their quality and cannot be measured. [13]
  • According to this system, OKR grading goes as follows 0.0 – 0.3. [13]
  • Grades among KRs may vary significantly — if you score 20% on two KRs and 80% on the other two KRs, you may need to rethink and rephrase your 4 Key Results, as they may not be evenly matched. [13]
  • Unless your committed goal is important for your company, your department, or your team, your efforts will likely go unnoticed .As an example, we can take one of the committed goals ofMozilla Firefox for 2021. [13]
  • Increase web traffic on a monthly basis for the foundation website by 30% , with a baseline of 15,000/mo. [13]
  • An increase of press coverage by 10% (with 70% of the said press coverage involving quotes or mentions from the Mozilla community, their fellows, and allies). [13]
  • It’s worth noting that most OKRs in Google are aspirational — reaching 70% of such a stretch goal is considered a great success, especially if the goal had a 5% of succeeding in the first place. [13]
  • Key Result 1 Propose an increase in the starting wage of new female employees by %10. [13]
  • Key Result 3 Propose a 3 step process that decreases the percentage of women over 50 who are paid less when compared to men and younger women. [13]
  • Moreover, reaching 70% of such a “false” aspirational goal is not a success. [13]
  • Reduce the number of bugs reported by customers by 20% in the first two months Key Result 2. [13]
  • Reduce the number of bugs found during the development process by 30% Key Result 3. [13]
  • Increase the testing coverage by 50% Initiative Hire 4 new QA testers to increase the testing speed and coverage. [13]
  • An Objective with 70% of all Key Results reached is counted as an amazing success. [14]
  • If a goal is for example “25% more revenue” and we reach 20% we can automatically calculate that you reached 80%. [14]
  • The key point in our definitions was the 70%. [14]
  • This is natural for the first discussions – after all, people don’t like to deliver under 100%. [14]
  • A possible reply to that topic “We don’t want to reach 100%, otherwise we would have to change our OKRs during the quarter. [14]
  • 71% of people are working harder than before the pandemic, yet seeing fewer results, according to a study where we surveyed 1,500 Americans. [1]
  • Of the US adults who use OKRs, 95% believe they have an understanding of how their work ties into the company’s larger business goals. [1]
  • Only 79% of individuals who do not use OKRs believe they have that same understanding, according to our study. [1]
  • Here’s what else we found from our study Only 29% of US adults in the workforce are familiar with OKRs. [1]
  • Of that 29% who are familiar, 81% currently use OKRs. [1]
  • 83% of Americans have seen their individual goals change since January. [1]
  • 58% of non OKR users either do not track their individual goals, or they track via written notes. [1]
  • Only 65% of non OKR users check in or update progress on goals once a month. [1]
  • Only 53% of non OKR users reevaluate or realign their goals monthly. [1]
  • The reason this happens is that they write a list of wishes only a genie could grant “make a fortune to prove aunt Gina wrong” instead of a plan with actionable steps “increase recurring revenue by 25%”. [15]
  • Like Google , aim for a 60. [15]
  • A 60 70% success rate allows your team to set OKRs tailored for professional growth and innovation. [15]
  • Beware though If the completion rate is >70% it means that the OKRs were chosen too lightly – a task too easy, too boring, too light, too safe. [15]
  • What are the chances of having a team of overachievers aiming for 99% completion?. [15]
  • If the completion rate is <60% it means that the OKRs were overly ambitious – a task too difficult, too complex, too nerve. [15]
  • Google Balance “moonshots” with “roofshots” Remember the 60 70% sweet spot we mentioned earlier?. [15]
  • Google Venture’s Rick Klau calls those stretch goals “moonshots”, while difficult but 100% achievable goals are called “roofshots”. [15]

I know you want to use Objectives and Key Results (OKR) Software, thus we made this list of best Objectives and Key Results (OKR) Software. We also wrote about how to learn Objectives and Key Results (OKR) Software and how to install Objectives and Key Results (OKR) Software. Recently we wrote how to uninstall Objectives and Key Results (OKR) Software for newbie users. Don’t forgot to check latest Objectives and Key Results (OKR) statistics of 2024.


  1. uschamber – https://www.uschamber.com/co/grow/thrive/objectives-and-key-results-model.
  2. ally – https://ally.io/blog/new-data-shows-the-future-of-work-is-goal-oriented/.
  3. wikipedia – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OKR.
  4. gitlab – https://about.gitlab.com/company/okrs/.
  5. cio – https://www.cio.com/article/222203/okr-objectives-and-key-results-defined.html.
  6. aligntoday – https://aligntoday.com/blog/making-the-case-for-okrs/.
  7. hbr – https://hbr.org/2020/12/use-okrs-to-set-goals-for-teams-not-individuals.
  8. envisage – https://envisage.io/feature-objectives.
  9. forbes – https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbesbusinessdevelopmentcouncil/2020/02/06/the-key-to-key-results-measure-the-right-data/.
  10. asana – https://asana.com/resources/okr-meaning.
  11. weekdone – https://weekdone.com/resources/objectives-key-results.
  12. foundr – https://foundr.com/articles/building-a-business/okr-framework.
  13. withgoogle – https://rework.withgoogle.com/guides/set-goals-with-okrs/.
  14. clockify – https://clockify.me/blog/productivity/okr/.
  15. grape – https://www.grape.io/blog/okr-guide-planning-objectives-key-results-video.
  16. paymoapp – https://www.paymoapp.com/blog/okr-methodology/.

How Useful is Objectives and Key Results

One of the primary benefits of using OKRs is that they provide a clear and transparent way for employees to understand what is expected of them and how their individual contributions align with the overall goals of the organization. By setting ambitious yet achievable objectives and measurable key results, employees can have a clear roadmap for success and can track their progress over time. This can help to improve motivation and accountability within the team, as everyone is working towards a common set of goals.

Furthermore, OKRs can help to create alignment within the organization by ensuring that all teams and individuals are working towards the same objectives. By cascading OKRs from the top of the organization down to individual employees, everyone can clearly see how their work contributes to the bigger picture. This can help to eliminate silos and improve collaboration between different departments, leading to more efficient and effective outcomes.

Another key benefit of OKRs is their adaptability and flexibility. Unlike traditional goal-setting methods, which often involve setting goals at the beginning of the year and rarely revisiting them, OKRs are typically set on a quarterly basis and can be adjusted as needed. This agility allows organizations to respond quickly to changes in the market or internal priorities, ensuring that they stay on track towards their overall goals.

However, despite these benefits, there are also potential drawbacks to using OKRs. One common criticism is that they can create a hyper-focus on short-term results at the expense of long-term strategic thinking. By setting quarterly objectives, organizations run the risk of becoming myopic in their approach, prioritizing quick wins over sustainable growth. Additionally, the relentless pursuit of measurable outcomes may incentivize employees to game the system or prioritize low-hanging fruit, rather than taking on more challenging but important tasks.

Furthermore, the process of setting and tracking OKRs can be time-consuming and resource-intensive, particularly if not done correctly. It requires regular check-ins, updates, and adjustments, which can be a drain on already limited resources. If not implemented effectively, OKRs can become just another bureaucratic exercise that adds little value to the organization.

In conclusion, while OKRs can be a useful tool for driving focus, alignment, and accountability within organizations, they are not a panacea. Like any management framework, they have their limitations and should be implemented thoughtfully and carefully. Organizations that are considering adopting OKRs should weigh the benefits against the potential drawbacks and ensure that they have the infrastructure and resources in place to support their successful implementation.

In Conclusion

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