Vineyard Management Statistics 2024 – Everything You Need to Know

Are you looking to add Vineyard Management to your arsenal of tools? Maybe for your business or personal use only, whatever it is – it’s always a good idea to know more about the most important Vineyard Management statistics of 2024.

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Best Vineyard Management Statistics

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Vineyard Management Latest Statistics

  • Axes 1 and 2 explained 69% of the variance in the data. [0]
  • The soil samples clustered together distinctly, and separately from grapes along the first PCoA axis, which explained 66% of the variance in the data. [0]
  • The threeyear average under vine soil vegetation coverage rate for NV was greater than 70%, while coverage rates for CULT and GLY were less than 20% at veraison. [0]
  • Unclassified fungal genera in soil samples ranged from around 10% to more than 25% relative abundance. [0]
  • Full fungi profile (>1%). [0]
  • Although the samples did not seem to cluster based on treatments on PCoA plots using UniFrac distance metrics , the treatment effect was significant in year 2014 and 2016 according to PERMANOVA. [0]
  • Over 71% of the variance in grape fungal community structure was explained by the first two PCoA axes, but the grape samples were not structured as a function of under vine soil treatments. [0]
  • Unclassified genera accounted for 5 to more than 30% of the relative abundance in grape samples. [0]
  • The fungal genus Penicillium was found only in the 2014 grape samples, which was 16.6% in relative abundance, and Sporobolomyces was highest in relative abundance in 2015 and lowest in 2016 in grape samples. [0]
  • Many yeast genera commonly found in abundance in grapes, such as Candida, Pichia, Debaryomyces, Lipomyces, Kluyveromyces, and Issatchenkia, were not found or were not abundant (<1% in relative abundance). [0]
  • In brief, 2% Roundup was sprayed with electronic pumped spraying nozzle in rate about 3 kg a.i./ha. [0]
  • Then, the VI based OBIA algorithm developed for each camera automatically mapped the grapevines, bermudagrass, and bare soil (accuracies greater than 97.7%). [1]
  • Weeds are known to be a major problem in agriculture, leading to a 32% worldwide reduction in crop yields [15]. [1]
  • During each flight, the UAV route was configured to fly at 30 meters altitude with a forward lap of at least 90%. [1]
  • In addition, a side lap of 60% was programmed. [1]
  • As explained above, 25% of the GT full dataset from both the A2016 and A 2017 fields was used in the spectral analysis to select the optimal vegetation index that best discriminated bermudagrass and bare soil for each camera. [1]
  • In this experiment, a customizable 1 x 0.5 m grid size was selected according to the specifications of the intra. [1]
  • Next, the weed coverage (% of bermudagrass). [1]
  • As commented before, 75% of the GT full datasets corresponding to field A for both 2016 and 2017 were used to assess the classification accuracy. [1]
  • According to [64], two classes exhibit moderate separability when M exceeds 1 and good discrimination when it exceeds 2. [1]
  • Similar results of the classified area were obtained by using any of the sensors, e.g., 24.4% and 24.5% for the vine class in field. [1]
  • A2017 when employing the RGBsensor and RGNIRsensor orthomosaic, respectively; and similarly, for bare soil in field A 2016, reporting 82.8% and 81.7% of the classified area, which demonstrated the algorithm robustness. [1]
  • An increase of approximately 21% in the vineyard was observed in the comparison of 2016 and 2017 orthomosaics for both sensors. [1]
  • According to [72], among the recommendations for bermudagrass management, mowing should be minimized as stolons can cause weed dispersion. [1]
  • Furthermore, a reduction in the area occupied by bare soil was found using any of the sensors, which was quantified as 28.5% for the RGBorthomosaic image and 25.9% for the RGNIR. [1]
  • As mentioned in the OBIA algorithm description, the vine class was first separated from the rest of classes using DSM height information as described in [3], where overall accuracy values higher than 93.6% were achieved in the vine classification. [1]
  • The matrix indicated an overall accuracy higher than 97.7% in all of the cases studied, well above the minimum accepted value standardized at 85% by [73]. [1]
  • Moreover, high degrees of producerā€™s accuracy with values close to or even 100% were achieved in all the studied cases, which corresponded to null or very low values of omission error. [1]
  • For example, 99.6% and 99.9% of PA were obtained for the bermudagrass class using the RGB and RGNIR cameras in field A 2017, respectively; and moreover, OA values of 98.7% and 97.7% were reached for those respective cameras and field in 2016. [1]
  • fields in the early season obtaining 86% of OA in the confusion matrix; however, the precision of the OBIA algorithm was evaluated by comparing weed coverage over grid units, not over objects. [1]
  • according treatment thresholds a) 0%, b) 2.5%, and c) 5%. [1]
  • In that sense, about a 14% raise in potential savings was achieved using a 5% weed threshold when compared to the more conservative one for the three cases analyzed. [1]
  • High values of map classification accuracy (>97.7%). [1]
  • According to Kaiser and Dickman , factors with eigenvalues greater than 1 were selected for cluster analysis. [2]
  • The second most common homogenous vineyard zone is zone 1 with 27.98% of the total Burgenland vineyard area. [2]
  • Zone 2 has the third most common type of vineyard site and covers 19.06% of the total Burgenland vineyard area. [2]
  • It is mostly situated in Mittelburgenland DAC in central Burgenland and comprises 77% of vineyard area. [2]
  • Zone 5 comprises 41% of Leithaberg DAC vineyards and is at lower altitude, with the strong Pannonian climate influence noted in zone 4. [2]
  • In practice, this seems to mean that the goal was to cover only the states accounting for 90% of annual production. [3]
  • In grapes, the 90% threshold was met by including only California and Washington. [3]
  • Yet in apples, this process resulted in inclusion of Virginia, with 3% of the apple acreage, and 10,000 acres in production ā€“ less than one third of the acreage in grapes in New York. [3]
  • But then every once in a while, weather forecasts disturb winegrowers, because they are not always 100% accurate. [4]
  • The 2019 Career & Salary Survey for Beverage Alcohol shows only 2% African American employees working in the 3. [5]
  • Yet the 2019 Wine Market Council Consumer Segmentation survey reports there are around 100 million wine drinkers in the US, and 11% of wine drinkers are African American. [5]
  • ā€œOnce we implement the findings of GRAPEX across our entire vineyard acreage, we will reduce the amount of water we apply for irrigation by up to 25%, and that’s a very, very big number.”. [6]
  • Overall, extensive vegetation management increased aboveā€ and belowā€ground biodiversity and ecosystem service provision by 20% in comparison to intensive management. [7]
  • and biodiversity datasets extracted from 74 included studies. [7]
  • Percentage of parasitism and predation Pestā€related parameters Pest abundance Damage per vine and plot Soil water balance Soil water balance . [7]
  • Plots for mean effect sizes and 95% CIs were produced with the r package plotrix. [7]
  • About 40% of all datasets originated from irrigated vineyards, 50% were rainfed vineyards and the other studies did not provide information on the use of irrigation. [7]
  • Overall, there was a 19Ā·8% increase in biodiversity and ecosystem service provision due to extensive vegetation management in comparison to the control treatment. [7]
  • The largest mean effect size (M = 53.2%). [7]
  • Mean and 95% confidence intervals of the effects of extensive vegetation management in vineyards on biodiversity and ecosystem services. [7]
  • If soil erosion was split up into two subsets of parameters measuring soil loss and in general erosionā€related soil parameters, there was a strong positive effect of extensive vegetation management on soil loss mitigation (M = 161.9%). [7]
  • Across studies, extensive vegetation management resulted in a 20% increased biodiversity and ES provision. [7]
  • We detected the strongest increase of 50% in biodiversity due to extensive vegetation management. [7]
  • A subset analysis of the ES type erosion protection resulted in the largest increase (160%). [7]
  • Differences were not related to the use of irrigation, as approximately half of all datasets originated from irrigated Mediterranean vineyards, whereas 83% of all datasets in continental or steppe climates descended from irrigated vineyards. [7]
  • However, it should be remarked that also sample sizes differed considerably with 56% of all datasets from studies comparing organic vs. conventional management investigated biodiversity. [7]
  • In general, organic management has been shown to increase biodiversity by 30%. [7]
  • Very Small 3,74433% Limited Production 5,45448%. [8]

I know you want to use Vineyard Management Software, thus we made this list of best Vineyard Management Software. We also wrote about how to learn Vineyard Management Software and how to install Vineyard Management Software. Recently we wrote how to uninstall Vineyard Management Software for newbie users. Donā€™t forgot to check latest Vineyard Management statistics of 2024.


  1. nature –
  2. plos –
  3. oeno-one –
  4. cornell –
  5. evineyardapp –
  6. wineindustryadvisor –
  7. nasa –
  8. nih –
  9. winesvinesanalytics –

How Useful is Vineyard Management

One of the key aspects of vineyard management is pruning. Pruning involves cutting back the vines to control their growth and improve fruit production. By removing excess foliage and budwood, pruning allows for better air circulation and light penetration, which can help prevent diseases and encourage more even ripening of grapes. Furthermore, pruning also plays a role in shaping the vines, allowing for easier canopy management and harvesting.

Another important aspect of vineyard management is irrigation. Proper water management is crucial for grapevines, as they require a consistent supply of water throughout the growing season. Depending on the climate and soil conditions, vineyard managers may need to adjust their irrigation schedules to ensure that the vines receive the appropriate amount of water. Over or under watering can lead to decreased yields, poor fruit quality, and increased susceptibility to diseases.

Pest and disease control are also vital components of vineyard management. Grapevines are susceptible to a variety of pests and diseases, including fungal infections, insects, and viruses. Effective pest and disease management strategies involve a combination of preventive measures, such as planting disease-resistant varieties and implementing cultural practices to reduce pest populations, as well as the use of chemical treatments when necessary.

Weed control is another important aspect of vineyard management. Weeds can compete with grapevines for nutrients, water, and sunlight, ultimately reducing the productivity of the vines. Vineyard managers may employ various methods to control weeds, such as mechanical cultivation, mulching, and the use of herbicides, to maintain a clean and healthy vineyard environment.

Canopy management is also a critical aspect of vineyard management. The canopy refers to the leaves, shoots, and tendrils of the grapevines, which play a crucial role in photosynthesis and fruit ripening. Proper canopy management techniques, such as leaf thinning and shoot positioning, can help improve airflow within the canopy, reduce disease pressure, and enhance fruit quality.

In conclusion, vineyard management is an indispensable practice for grape growers seeking to maximize the quality and quantity of their grape harvest. By taking a proactive approach to managing their vineyards, growers can ensure that their grapevines receive the care and attention they need to thrive. From pruning and irrigation to pest and disease control, every aspect of vineyard management plays a crucial role in shaping the success of a vineyard.

In Conclusion

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