Removing a Member from Rhode Island LLC | Things You Need to Know

Remove Member From Rhode Island LLC

Limited Liability Companies (LLCs) are popular business structures in Rhode Island because they provide flexibility in management and taxation while offering personal liability protection for their members. However, there may come a time when a member of an LLC needs to be removed for various reasons, such as retirement, disputes, or other personal circumstances. Removing a member from an LLC in Rhode Island can be complicated, but understanding the legal requirements and following the proper steps can help ensure a smooth transition.

This article will guide you through Removing a Member from an LLC in Rhode Island by discussing the legal requirements, preparing necessary documents, and providing helpful tips to avoid potential pitfalls.

Webinarcare Editorial Team will help you understand the process of removing a member. It would be best if all the factors in this article guided you.

What is a Limited Liability Company?

An LLC, or Limited Liability Company, is a type of business structure that offers a mix of features from partnerships and corporations. It provides its owners, known as members, with limited liability about the company’s debts or potential lawsuits, much like a corporation. At the same time, an LLC provides flexibility in management and profit distribution, similar to a partnership or sole proprietorship. LLCs can be owned by one or more individuals, corporations, or other LLCs. However, taxation in an LLC is pass-through by default, which means the profits or losses are reported on the owners’ individual tax returns.

Before you start a removing a member, it is advised that you consult with a legal expert. They will be aware of what’s best for you and your business. You can always start an LLC in Rhode Island, if you wish to protect your personal assets from business debts.


Reasons for Member Removal in Rhode Island LLC

There could be several reasons why a member needs to be removed from an LLC in Rhode Island:

  1. Breach of Agreement: All members are bound by the operating agreement of the LLC. If a member violates the agreed terms knowingly or unknowingly, this can be a reason for removal.
  2. Financial Mismanagement: If a member is found guilty of embezzling funds or other related financial misconduct, they should be removed to protect the company’s financial health.
  3. Criminal Activity: If a member is involved in criminal activity, this can put the entire company at risk. In such cases, removal is crucial to protect the LLC’s reputation and legality.
  4. Lack of Participation: If a member consistently fails to contribute to the business, either through capital, time, or expertise, they might be removed.
  5. Conflict of Interest: An LLC’s members must prioritize the business’s interests. If a member’s activities conflict with these interests, they might need to be removed.
  6. Irresolvable Disputes: Sometimes, members might have disputes that harm the company’s functioning. Removing one or more members involved might be necessary if such disputes cannot be resolved.
  7. Personal Reasons: Personal reasons such as bankruptcy, divorce, or incapacity can also necessitate removing a member from an LLC.

Removing a member from an LLC is a legal procedure. It may require a majority vote from the other members or depend on specific LLC operating agreement clauses. Legal advice from Rhode Island Business Attorney should be sought when considering this action.

How to Remove a Member from Rhode Island LLC

To remove a member from an LLC, you must follow the guidelines that include reviewing the operating agreement, consulting with a business attorney, obtaining the consent of the remaining members, preparing and executing a written agreement, updating the operating agreement, notifying the Rhode Island Secretary of State, and updating the tax and financial records. These are the basic ones, so read the whole article until the end. 

Step 1: Review the Rhode Island Operating Agreement

The first step in removing a member from an LLC in Rhode Island is carefully reviewing the Rhode Island Operating Agreement for your LLC. The operating agreement is the document that outlines how the Rhode Island LLC will be managed and governed, including provisions for the removal of members. If the operating agreement contains specific guidelines for removing a member, those guidelines must be followed. If the operating agreement does not address the removal of members, then the default provisions under Rhode Island law will apply.

The operating agreement includes information like-

  • About Business
  • Members and management
  • Capital contribution
  • Profit Distribution
  • Change of membership
  • Dissolution

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Step 2: Consult with an Attorney

Given the potential legal and financial consequences of removing a member from Rhode Island LLC, consulting with a Business Attorney in Rhode Island before taking any action is advisable. A business attorney experienced in Rhode Island LLC law can help you understand the legal requirements, ensure compliance, and avoid potential pitfalls.

The qualities of an excellent business attorney can make a significant difference in the success and growth of your business. Here are some key qualities to look for when choosing a business attorney in Rhode Island:

  • Expertise in Rhode Island Business Law: The best business attorney should have a deep understanding of federal, state, and local laws and regulations governing businesses in Rhode Island. In terms of business laws and regulations, a business attorney should be familiar with forming of the Rhode Island Articles of Organization so that they will guide you in regulating the Rhode Island Secretary of State and other laws that need to abide by.
  • Experience In Your Industry: An attorney with experience working with businesses in your industry will be better equipped to understand your company’s unique challenges and opportunities. They will be familiar with industry-specific regulations and can provide more targeted and relevant advice.
  • Strong Communication Skills: Effective communication is critical to a successful attorney-client relationship. A top-notch business attorney should be able to explain complex legal concepts in clear, easy-to-understand language and be responsive to your questions and concerns.
  • Proven Track Record: A great business attorney should have a history of successful client outcomes. They should be able to provide references or case studies that demonstrate their ability to achieve favorable results for businesses like yours.
  • Strategic Thinking: The best business attorney can think strategically, helping your company proactively address potential legal issues and identify opportunities for growth and success.
  • Commitment to Client Success: A truly exceptional attorney is not just focused on billable hours but genuinely committed to helping your business succeed. They should be willing to invest time and effort in understanding your company’s goals and work diligently to help you achieve them.

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Step 3: Obtain Consent of the Remaining Members

In most cases, removing a member from Rhode Island LLC requires the consent of the remaining members. This is typically achieved through a vote of the members, with the required percentage of votes needed for approval varying based on Rhode Island’s operating agreement or Rhode Island law.

If the operating agreement does not specify the percentage of votes required, you should consult your business attorney or refer to the default provisions under Rhode Island law.

Step 4: Prepare and Execute a Written Agreement

Once the required consent has been obtained, the next step is to draft a written agreement outlining the terms of the member’s removal. This agreement should include, but is not limited to:

  • The effective date of the removal
  • The reason for the removal
  • The method of calculating the member’s buyout or distribution of assets
  • Any other relevant terms or conditions

All members, including the departing member, should sign the agreement. This written agreement is evidence of the removal and can be used to update the LLC’s records and filings with the Rhode Island Secretary of State.

Step 5: Update the Operating Agreement

After removing a member, Rhode Island LLC’s operating agreement should be updated to reflect the change in membership. This may include amending the list of members, updating the ownership percentages, and revising any other relevant provisions. It is crucial to ensure that the updated operating agreement accurately reflects the current structure and governance of the LLC.

Suppose you wonder what the Rhode Island operating agreement entails. It includes the following:

  • Name of the LLC: Your LLC’s name must include the words “Limited Liability Company” or the abbreviation “LLC” or “L.L.C.” and comply with the Rhode Island LLC naming requirements. In Rhode Island, if you do not wish to file your LLC right away but want to hold the name that you have decided on, then you can reserve your LLC name for 120 days. You must file a name reservation application with the Rhode Island Secretary of State to keep the name. The online name reservation fee costs disclosed, while the mail name reservation fee costs $50.
  • Principal Office Address: This is where your LLC’s primary business activities will be conducted.
  • Resident Agent Information: Your Resident Agent is a person or entity designated to receive legal documents on behalf of your LLC. The Resident Agent must have a physical street address in Rhode Island. Choosing a reliable and responsible Resident Agent is essential, as failure to receive and respond to legal documents can seriously affect your business. You can serve as your Resident Agent, appoint a friend or family member, or hire a Professional Rhode Island Resident Agent Services.
  • Purpose of the LLC: This section should describe the primary purpose of your LLC and the business activities it will engage in.
  • Duration of the LLC: You may choose to have your LLC exist for a specific period or continue indefinitely.

Step 6: Notify the Rhode Island Secretary of State

Depending on the specific circumstances and requirements under Rhode Island law, you may need to file a notice of the member’s removal with the Rhode Island Secretary of State. This could involve filing the Amended Rhode Island Articles of Organization or other appropriate documents. 

The filing fee for amending your Articles of Organization costs $150; however, it varies depending on your specific situation and the nature of the amendments. Consult your business attorney or refer to the Rhode Island Secretary of State’s website for further guidance.

Step 7: Update Tax and Financial Records

Finally, updating the Rhode Island LLC’s tax and financial records to reflect the member’s removal is essential. This may involve notifying the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and the Rhode Island Division of Taxation and updating the bank accounts, bookkeeping, and other financial records. By profession, you can manage your finances using spreadsheets, accounting software, or becoming a CPA in Rhode Island.

Is It Important to Update the Operating Agreement?

It is important to update the operating agreement when you remove a member from your Rhode Island LLC. The operating agreement is a key document outlining your LLC’s rules, procedures, and ownership structure. When a member is removed, it is crucial to ensure that the updated operating agreement accurately reflects the current structure and governance of the LLC.

Updating the operating agreement after removing a member may include the following:

  • Amending the list of members to remove the departing member’s name
  • Updating the ownership percentages to reflect the change in membership
  • Revising any provisions related to the management, voting rights, and decision-making processes to account for the change in membership
  • Addressing any other relevant sections that may be affected by the member’s removal

By updating the operating agreement, you can maintain clear and accurate records of your LLC’s structure, which can be crucial for legal and financial reasons and the smooth operation and management of the business.


Can an LLC member be removed in Rhode Island?
Yes, an LLC member can be removed in Rhode Island if certain conditions are met.
What are some common reasons for removing an LLC member in Rhode Island?
Some common reasons include non-payment of contributions, breach of the operating agreement, and misconduct.
Can an LLC member be removed without cause in Rhode Island?
Generally, no. Rhode Island LLC law requires cause for removal of a member.
Who can vote to remove an LLC member in Rhode Island?
This depends on the operating agreement, but typically a vote of the remaining members is required for removal.
What kind of notice is required to remove an LLC member in Rhode Island?
The operating agreement will typically specify the type of notice required, but it must meet the legal requirements for notice in Rhode Island.
Can a majority vote remove an LLC member in Rhode Island?
It depends on the operating agreement. Some agreements require a two-thirds or unanimous vote for removal.
What happens to the LLC member’s ownership interest when they are removed in Rhode Island?
The operating agreement may provide for the distribution of the removed member’s ownership interest to the remaining members.
Can an LLC member be removed for a criminal conviction in Rhode Island?
Yes, if the operating agreement allows for removal based on criminal activity.
What happens if an LLC member won’t leave after being removed in Rhode Island?
The LLC will typically need to seek a court order to enforce the removal.
Do removed LLC members in Rhode Island have any right to repayment of their contributions?
This depends on the operating agreement and the circumstances of removal.
Can the operating agreement be amended to allow for removal of an LLC member in Rhode Island?
Yes, the operating agreement can be amended to include removal provisions.
Can an LLC member be bought out instead of being removed in Rhode Island?
Yes, this is a possibility if it is allowed in the operating agreement and the remaining members agree to the terms.
Can a court order removal of an LLC member in Rhode Island?
Yes, a court can order removal if the member engages in wrongful activities or is causing irreparable harm to the LLC.
Can an LLC member be removed without notice in Rhode Island?
No, notice is typically required in accordance with the operating agreement.
Can an LLC member be removed if they have not violated the operating agreement in Rhode Island?
The operating agreement may provide for removal even without such a violation.
Can an LLC member be removed involuntarily in Rhode Island?
Yes, if the conditions for involuntary removal are met as specified in the operating agreement.
Are there certain grounds for removal required by law for Rhode Island LLCs?
No, LLC operating agreements can specify any grounds for removal of an LLC member as long as they do not violate Rhode Island law.
Can an LLC member be removed if they file for bankruptcy in Rhode Island?
Bankruptcy filings by an LLC member may trigger removal provisions in the Operating Agreement depending on the stated guidelines.
Can an LLC member remove himself or herself in Rhode Island?
Yes, an LLC member can voluntarily resign by following the appropriate procedure.
What happens to the LLC operating agreement if a member is removed in Rhode Island?
The operating agreement may need to be updated to reflect any changes in ownership.
Can a removed LLC member in Rhode Island sign a non-compete agreement?
This depends on the terms of the agreement and whether it violates Rhode Island law.
Can an LLC member be removed for misconduct in Rhode Island?
Yes, if their actions meet the criteria of misconduct as specified in the operating agreement.
How should an LLC member be notified of their removal in Rhode Island?
The operating agreement will typically specify the method and timing of notice to the removed member.
Can a court overturn the removal of an LLC member in Rhode Island?
It is possible if the removal was done improperly or if it violates Rhode Island law.
Can the operating agreement specify different reasons for removal of different LLC members in Rhode Island?
Yes, the operating agreement can specify different provisions based on the membership interest of the member.
Can a removed LLC member in Rhode Island still receive payouts after their removal?
This depends on the operating agreement and any distributional mechanics outlined specifying payments to the removed member.
Can a removed LLC member be barred from accessing the LLC’s books and records in Rhode Island?
It depends on the terms of the operating agreement and Rhode Island law.
Can an LLC member be removed for no cause in Rhode Island outside of the operating agreement?
No, Rhode Island allows removal of an LLC member only meetings the specified requirements in the operating agreement.
Do LLC owning spouses extract additional rights in Rhode Island?
In Rhode Island, LLC uncooperative members are governed based on voting control so spousal involvements are necessary and extracting but largely irrelevant regarding the removal process.
What are the requirements for removing a member from an LLC in Rhode Island?
In Rhode Island, LLCs are governed by the state’s Revised Limited Liability Company Act. To remove a member, the LLC’s operating agreement must outline the procedure for removal and the reason(s) why a member can be removed from the LLC.
Can a member be removed from an LLC without their consent in Rhode Island?
Yes, a member can be removed from an LLC without their consent in Rhode Island if the reason for removal is specified in the LLC’s operating agreement or if the member engaged in wrongful conduct.
What is wrongful conduct in Rhode Island court?
Wrongful conduct is any misconduct or behavior that threatens or endangers the LLC’s assets or reputation, or if the member engages in an illegal act.
Can a vote to remove a member in Rhode Island LLC be conducted secretly?
No, the vote to remove a member in Rhode Island LLC must be conducted publicly.
Do all Rhode Island LLC members have voting rights?
It depends on the terms outlined in the LLC’s operating agreement.
How many votes are needed to remove a member in Rhode Island?
The exact number of votes needed to remove a member in Rhode Island varies depending on the LLC’s operating agreement. However, the guidance in Rhode Island states that the LLC operating agreement supersedes statutory voting requirements.
Can the LLC have a substitute agreement?
Yes, LLC members can use a substitute agreement for removal of members.
Does Rhode Island require notice for member removals in an LLC?
Yes, Rhode Island state its Code of Regulations requires that the non-voluntary withdrawal should allow the departing member adequate notice.
Can an LLC member sue over their removal in Rhode Island?
Yes, a member could dispute their removal in Rhode Island via litigation.
Is a shown cause necessary to remove a member from LLC in Rhode Island?
Yes, showing evidence must support removal of a member from the LLC membership lineup in Rhode Island.
Can a member sue the LLC in Rhode Island if they are not being removed but wish to leave?
Yes, but leaving the LLC membership might depend on available rules in the Operating Agreement.
Do I need a lawyer to help remove a member from an LLC in Rhode Island?
It is wise to use legal guidance in removing a member from an LLC in Rhode Island.
As the LLC owner, can I remove a member without reason?
No, Indiana state owners can not remove members without the necessary grounds, as operating agreements touch on.
Is it expensive to remove a member from an LLC in Rhode Island?
The cost may vary based on the particular legal situation, but removing a member efficiently may involve significant court and filing and legal expenses
Does the member who’s wants to be removed retain the membership rights once they are removed from the LLC?
No, Once a dismissed member is removed from the business’s LLC will forfeiture any rights of membership presence and interests or benefits of the LLC in Rhode Island.
Could someone to buy out a dismissed member interests?
There could be bidding terms available in the LLC’s Operating Agreement to make it possible; parties could bid to fill any vacant undisclosed positions in accordance with LLC state laws in Rhode Island.
Is alternative dispute resolution plausible in the removal of any LLC Rhode Island State members?
Yes in Newport County and other communities across the state of Rhode Island may make use of beneficial alternative resolution clauses in the Operating Agreement.
What if the state of Rhode Island’s government body refuses to acknowledge my request to remove a member from my business’s LLC?
Under those circumstances following the additional legal options may be advised, if state may furnish no remedy.
Is the dismissal of a Rhode Island LLC business member only possible for matters relating the internal operations of the business?
Will there be any change in the proportion of members’ interest after the removal of a member?
It depends upon the Operating Agreement’s language but typically yes, the proportion held shall change.
Could dialogues be facilitated, Fore have partnerships renewed without exerting to remove members in an LLC in Rhode Island?
Yes, communication allows for improving aspects of internal disputes. Members may renegotiate certain business term – it does demand readiness for governance modification through open and sincere communiction.
Which statutory regulations do LLC business owners must uphold during the exclusion process in Rhode Island if any?
The prevailing regulatory guidelines governing the organization is dependent an Operating Agreement’s contents.?
Will the operating agreement make clear Rhode Island’s rules on involuntary LLC Membership removal?
Yes, court established regulations in particular merit written agreements.
Who has ownership right after a member is removed in an LLC Rhode Island?
After proper formalities, prevalent operating possession transfers rules maintain in tact typical LLC against whole removal criteria necessities, changing ownership rights upon agreement items an piece after the process.
Is collective forgiveness of fundamental issues present internally one of many alternatives that legal experts may deliberate upon?
Collaborative forgiveness of fundamental issues should encourage positive movement in this very touchy case in LLC Rhode Island State businesses.
Question:Once bought out, should management disclose arrangement method between invested member, the going member, and its Rhoda Island LLC base-concerned working partners post-removal?
Disclosure operating information could vary based on type or status of company concerned.

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Removing a member from an LLC in Rhode Island can be complex and requires careful attention to detail. By following these steps and consulting with an experienced attorney, you can ensure that your LLC remains compliant with Rhode Island law and continues to operate smoothly during this transition.

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