Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems (IDPS) Statistics 2024 – Everything You Need to Know

Are you looking to add Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems (IDPS) to your arsenal of tools? Maybe for your business or personal use only, whatever it is – it’s always a good idea to know more about the most important Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems (IDPS) statistics of 2024.

My team and I scanned the entire web and collected all the most useful Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems (IDPS) stats on this page. You don’t need to check any other resource on the web for any Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems (IDPS) statistics. All are here only πŸ™‚

How much of an impact will Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems (IDPS) have on your day-to-day? or the day-to-day of your business? Should you invest in Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems (IDPS)? We will answer all your Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems (IDPS) related questions here.

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Best Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems (IDPS) Statistics

☰ Use “CTRL+F” to quickly find statistics. There are total 11 Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems (IDPS) Statistics on this page πŸ™‚

Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems (IDPS) Latest Statistics

  • [9]This system can average 99.9% detection and classification rate, based on research results of 24 network attacks, divided in four categories DOS, Probe, RemotetoLocal, and userto. [0]
  • This system can average 99.9% detection and classification rate, based on research results of 24 network attacks, divided in four categories DOS, Probe, RemotetoLocal, and userto. [0]
  • For security teams charged with defending hybrid and multi cloud environments, Semperis ensures integrity and availability of critical enterprise directory services at every step in the cyber kill chain and cuts recovery time by 90%. [1]
  • It produces an overall accuracy rate of 98.75% with 0.2% for false positive rate and 1.45% is false negative rate. [2]
  • Worm response has resulted in an accuracy rate of 98.08% which later can be used by other researchers as a comparison with their works in future. [2]
  • The overall experimental results presented a 100% accuracy of the detection without causing any false alarm. [3]
  • Despite the 99% detection ratio, however, the computational complexity, the training time, and the testing time increase as the amount layers were added. [3]
  • The training phase involved gathering pre captured CAN packet, and 20% of them were trained to structure a legitimate model in the form of the transition matrix. [3]
  • The overall experimental result indicated that various types of attack could be detected with the lowest 0.055% of false positive error and could identify the source of attack from the compromised ECUs. [3]
  • Also, APTs usually involve threat actors that change their signature over 60% of the time. [4]
  • A whopping 80 percent of alerts generated by signature and policy based IDS solutions are unreliable. [4]

I know you want to use Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems (IDPS), thus we made this list of best Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems (IDPS). We also wrote about how to learn Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems (IDPS) and how to install Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems (IDPS). Recently we wrote how to uninstall Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems (IDPS) for newbie users. Don’t forgot to check latest Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems (IDPS)statistics of 2024.


  1. wikipedia –
  2. esecurityplanet –
  3. brad –
  4. springeropen –
  5. accedian –

How Useful is Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems

At their core, intrusion detection systems (IDS) are designed to monitor network traffic for signs of unauthorized access or malicious activity. By analyzing traffic patterns and behavior, IDS can detect anomalies that indicate a potential security threat. On the other hand, intrusion prevention systems (IPS) take this a step further by not only detecting suspicious activity but also taking proactive measures to block or mitigate the threat before it can cause any harm.

One of the key advantages of IDPS is that they provide organizations with a proactive defense strategy against cyber threats. Instead of solely relying on reactive measures to respond to security incidents after they have already occurred, IDPS enable organizations to identify and neutralize potential threats in real-time, minimizing the impact of a successful breach. This proactive approach can significantly reduce the risk of data loss, financial damage, and reputational harm that can result from a cyber attack.

Another key benefit of IDPS is their ability to automate threat detection and response processes. With the increasing volume and complexity of cyber threats, manual monitoring and analysis of network traffic is no longer feasible for organizations. IDPS solutions offer automated detection capabilities that can continuously monitor network traffic and quickly respond to potential threats, freeing up IT staff to focus on more strategic security initiatives.

In addition to real-time threat detection and response, IDPS also provide organizations with valuable insights into their network security posture. By analyzing patterns of attacks, vulnerabilities, and trends in cyber threats, IDPS can help organizations identify and prioritize security vulnerabilities that need to be addressed. This proactive approach to security management can help organizations to stay ahead of evolving cyber threats, reducing the likelihood of successful cyber attacks.

While IDPS offer a range of benefits in terms of threat detection and response, it is essential for organizations to implement them as part of a comprehensive cybersecurity strategy. IDPS should be complemented by other security measures such as firewalls, antivirus software, and user awareness training to create a multi-layered defense posture that can effectively combat a variety of cyber threats.

Ultimately, the usefulness of intrusion detection and prevention systems cannot be overstated in the current cybersecurity landscape. As organizations continue to face increasingly sophisticated cyber threats, IDPS offer a proactive and automated defense mechanism that can help protect critical data and systems from unauthorized access and malicious activities. By investing in robust IDPS solutions and integrating them into a comprehensive cybersecurity strategy, organizations can effectively safeguard their assets and maintain a strong defense against burgeoning cyber threats.

In Conclusion

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We tried our best to provide all the Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems (IDPS) statistics on this page. Please comment below and share your opinion if we missed any Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems (IDPS) statistics.

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