Secure Code Review Statistics 2024 – Everything You Need to Know

Are you looking to add Secure Code Review to your arsenal of tools? Maybe for your business or personal use only, whatever it is – it’s always a good idea to know more about the most important Secure Code Review statistics of 2024.

My team and I scanned the entire web and collected all the most useful Secure Code Review stats on this page. You don’t need to check any other resource on the web for any Secure Code Review statistics. All are here only 🙂

How much of an impact will Secure Code Review have on your day-to-day? or the day-to-day of your business? Should you invest in Secure Code Review? We will answer all your Secure Code Review related questions here.

Please read the page carefully and don’t miss any word. 🙂

Best Secure Code Review Statistics

☰ Use “CTRL+F” to quickly find statistics. There are total 35 Secure Code Review Statistics on this page 🙂

Secure Code Review Software Statistics

  • In its 2020 State of the Software Supply Chain report, opensource governance company Sonatype noted a 430% yearoveryear growth in attacks targeting open. [0]
  • A Sonatype survey of 679 software development professionals revealed that only 17% of organizations learn about open source vulnerabilities within a day of public disclosure. [0]
  • In the Java ecosystem, developers downloaded 226 billion open source software components from the Maven Central Repository in 2019, which was a 55% increase compared to 2018. [0]
  • A further analysis of 1,700 enterprise applications revealed that on average they contained 135 third party software components, of which 90% were open source. [0]

Secure Code Review Latest Statistics

  • This tool uses binary code/bytecode and hence ensures 100% test coverage. [1]
  • A key strength of SAST tools is the ability to analyze 100% of the codebase. [2]
  • Penalties can amount up to €20 million or 4% of the business’s total annual worldwide turnover. [3]
  • In 77 percent of external penetration tests, we found vulnerabilities that attackers could use to obtain access to a company’s internal network.1. [4]
  • 26 percent of all cyberincidents in Q3 2017 involved attacks on web applications.2. [4]
  • 85 percent of the web applications had vulnerabilities that allow attacks against users. [4]
  • In 75 percent of e commerce web applications, assessment revealed vulnerabilities enabling denial of service. [4]
  • The majority of these vulnerabilities were of medium severity (65%). [4]
  • By taking advantage of these vulnerabilities, an attacker could obtain unauthorized access to sensitive information on a server (61%) or database (46%), run arbitrary OS commands on a server (55%), and delete or modify files (42%). [4]
  • 85 percent of the web applications contained vulnerabilities that allow attacks against users. [4]
  • 80 percent of the web applications for financial institutions were vulnerable to Cross Site Scripting, and almost half of them to HTTP Response Splitting. [4]
  • These vulnerabilities are a primary factor in why 87 percent of applications allowed attacks on web application users. [4]
  • Static analysis source code testing is adequate for understanding security issues within program code and can usually pick up about 85% of the flaws in the code. [5]
  • Dynamic code reviews, presented with a wide range of inputs and security tests, will generally pick up about 85% of the flaws present in the code. [5]
  • Combining both types of code review should pick up about 95% of the flaws, provided the reviews are done by someone able to understand the source code during static analysis, and that the range of tests for dynamic analysis is sufficiently wide. [5]
  • Errorfcalls and reports calls that contain a verb directive that is different than the new %w verb directive introduced in Go v1.13. [6]
  • PHP Coding Standards Fixer— Fixes your code according to standards like PSR1, PSR 2, and the Symfony standard. [6]
  • The most often cited reasons were meeting a critical deadline, the vulnerabilities being low risk or the issues being discovered too late in the release cycle (45%). [0]
  • In 28% of organizations the decision is taken by the development manager together with a security analyst, in 24% by the development manager alone and in 21% by a security analyst. [0]
  • Sixty percent of respondents admitted that their production applications were exploited through vulnerabilities listed in the OWASP Top 10 over the past 12 months. [0]
  • that assist with security issue identification and resolution (29%), scanning tools for images used in containers, repositories and microservices (29%), fuzzing tools (16%) and container runtime configuration security tools (15%). [0]
  • This is why in only 19% of organizations the application security testing task is formally owned by individual developers and in 26% by development managers. [0]
  • A third of organizations still have this task assigned to dedicated security analysts and in another 29% it’s jointly owned by the development and security teams. [0]
  • In a third of organizations less than half of developers are required to take formal security training and in only 15% of organizations is such training required for all developers. [0]
  • Less than half of organizations require developers to engage in formal security training more than once a year, with 16% expecting developers to self educate and 20% only offering training when a developer joins the team. [0]
  • Only 40% of organizations track security issue introduction and continuous improvement metrics for development teams or individual developers. [0]
  • Almost half of respondents in ESG’s survey said that opensource components make up over 50% of their code base and 8% said two thirds of their code is comprised of open. [0]
  • Despite that, only 48% of organizations have invested in controls to deal with open. [0]
  • According to the company, between February 2015 and June 2019, 216 such “next generation” supply chain attacks were reported, but from July 2019 to May 2020 an additional 929 attacks were documented, so this has become a very popular attack vector. [0]
  • It’s concerning that the University of Darmstadt research published last year revealed that nearly 40% of all npm packages contain or depend code with known vulnerabilities and that 66% vulnerabilities in npm packages remain unpatched. [0]
  • Eleven percent of those open source components had at least one vulnerability, but applications had on average 38 known vulnerabilities inherited from such components. [0]

I know you want to use Secure Code Review Software, thus we made this list of best Secure Code Review Software. We also wrote about how to learn Secure Code Review Software and how to install Secure Code Review Software. Recently we wrote how to uninstall Secure Code Review Software for newbie users. Don’t forgot to check latest Secure Code Review statistics of 2024.


  1. csoonline –
  2. softwaretestinghelp –
  3. synopsys –
  4. medium –
  5. ptsecurity –
  6. computerweekly –
  7. github –

How Useful is Secure Code Review

One of the primary reasons why secure code review is so essential is because it is proactive rather than reactive. By identifying and addressing security issues during the development phase, developers can prevent vulnerabilities from making their way into the final product. This proactive approach not only reduces the likelihood of vulnerabilities being exploited by attackers but also saves time and resources that would otherwise be spent on fixing them post-production.

Secure code review also promotes better coding practices and code quality. When developers know that their code will be scrutinized by their peers or external security experts, they are more likely to write clean, efficient, and secure code. This not only enhances the overall quality of the software but also makes it easier to maintain and debug in the future.

Moreover, secure code review fosters collaboration and knowledge sharing among developers. By reviewing each other’s code, developers can learn from one another, share best practices, and improve their coding skills. This collaborative environment not only strengthens the team but also leads to the creation of more robust and secure software.

Another benefit of secure code review is that it helps developers stay abreast of the latest security trends and vulnerabilities. By constantly reviewing and updating their code, developers can ensure that it is aligned with current security standards and practices. This proactive approach ensures that the software remains secure even as new threats emerge.

Furthermore, secure code review also helps organizations meet regulatory requirements and compliance standards. With data protection and privacy regulations becoming more stringent, companies are increasingly required to implement strong security measures to protect sensitive information. By conducting regular code reviews, organizations can demonstrate their commitment to security and compliance, thus avoiding the risk of hefty fines and reputational damage.

In conclusion, secure code review is a valuable practice that should be an integral part of every software development process. It not only helps identify and address security vulnerabilities early on but also promotes better coding practices, collaboration among developers, and compliance with regulatory requirements. By making secure code review a priority, organizations can enhance the security, quality, and integrity of their software products, ultimately safeguarding their data and reputation in an increasingly digital world.

In Conclusion

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