Car Dealer Statistics 2024 – Everything You Need to Know

Are you looking to add Car Dealer to your arsenal of tools? Maybe for your business or personal use only, whatever it is – it’s always a good idea to know more about the most important Car Dealer statistics of 2024.

My team and I scanned the entire web and collected all the most useful Car Dealer stats on this page. You don’t need to check any other resource on the web for any Car Dealer statistics. All are here only šŸ™‚

How much of an impact will Car Dealer have on your day-to-day? or the day-to-day of your business? Should you invest in Car Dealer? We will answer all your Car Dealer related questions here.

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Best Car Dealer Statistics

ā˜° Use “CTRL+F” to quickly find statistics. There are total 176 Car Dealer Statistics on this page šŸ™‚

Car Dealer Usage Statistics

  • For 2016, smartphone usage surpasses tablet usage (37% vs. 33%, respectively). [0]

Car Dealer Market Statistics

  • 84% of marketers report phone calls having higher conversion rates with larger order value compared to other forms of engagement. [1]
  • 85% of marketers believe inbound calls and phone conversations are a key component of their organizationā€™s digital. [1]
  • 48% of marketers have provided or expect to provide enhanced customer experiences as a result of scaling conversation intelligence across the enterprise. [1]
  • 43% of marketers have improved or expect to improve customer acquisition and retention as a result of scaling conversation intelligence across the enterprise. [1]
  • Trucks and SUVs picked up market shares with a yearover year increase in average transaction prices at 1.5%. [2]
  • Up to March 2021, Toyota Group is on top of the market with a 12.6% market share and 2.3 million sales YTD (+7.9%). [2]
  • When it comes to electric car sales, US statistics show that the market share of this type of vehicle has been increasing more or less constantly since 2011, reaching a record of 2.1% in 2018. [3]

Car Dealer Adoption Statistics

  • The top three consumer priorities for EV adoption in the US as of 2021 are as follows range (61%), followed by price (50%), and finally charging infrastructure (43%). [2]

Car Dealer Latest Statistics

  • new vehicle prices, used vehicle sales are gaining momentum in the United States, accounting for almost 33 percent of dollar sales at franchised dealerships in 2020. [4]
  • As for franchise car dealers, the cost of digital retail is the main operational barriers to online car sales, though less than 35 percent of the franchise dealers surveyed identified it as a hurdle. [4]
  • According to Statista, roughly 74 million new cars will be sold in 2020 worldwide. [5]
  • In 2020 the search volume for best car deals and truck deals has grown 70% globally from March 22 to March 28 versus March 15 to March 21 of the same year. [5]
  • Consumers took notice and search volumes for best car deals and truck deals grew 70% around the world from March 22 to March 28, 2020, versus the previous week. [5]
  • Nearly half of US consumers (47%). [5]
  • Other major countries following this consumer trend included Germany at 40%, Japan at 48%, and China at 65%. [5]
  • US Auto Sales Statistics by Manufacturer and Model Ford FSeries was the best selling model in the US , according to the following chart 6. [5]
  • 61.4% of car buyers prefer to buy from a dealership. [5]
  • 2005 was the year with the largest number of second hand car sales in the US, according to the table below. [5]
  • Florida represents the second highest state in terms of the number of cars being sold in 2018 according to US auto sales statistics. [5]
  • According to Statista, 511,530 passenger car sales were recorded, as shown by automotive sales figures. [5]
  • According to Statista, by 2030, there will be over 3 million electric vehicles driving on California roads. [5]
  • 7.3% of newly registered cars in the UK operate via alternative fuel sources. [5]
  • Statista 23. 0.8% of European cars were classed as either hybrid or electric vehicles during 2017. [5]
  • According to Statista, roughly 74 million new cars will be sold in 2020 worldwide. [5]
  • According to Statista, roughly 4.7 million passenger cars were sold in the US in 2019. [5]
  • Back in 2018, it was estimated that there would be 5 million electric vehicles on the world’s roads. [5]
  • Additionally, global EVs will likely surpass the 50 million mark as well. [5]
  • Car dealers profit as percentage of sales in the United Kingdom 2012. [6]
  • Even with the influence of the Internet, 90 PLUS % of our customers are still eventually visiting the showroom and looking for a relationship before spending a wade of money and finally making their purchase. [7]
  • It’s amazing how much your relationship with your customer determines the saleā€¦ 72% of customers tell their salesperson they are ā€œjust lookingā€ at the initial greeting. [7]
  • 71% of customers say they bought their vehicle because they like, trusted and respected their salesperson. [7]
  • 85% of consumers say their salesperson DID NOT control the sales process, build any rapport or interviewed their sales person. [7]
  • 88% of customers said they received a lousy presentation and demonstration. [7]
  • 50% of customers said they bought on the spot when they got what they felt was a good presentation and demonstration. [7]
  • 93% of customers did not get a service walk as part of the sales process. [7]
  • 94% of salespeople are not confident of the price in the close. [7]
  • 90% of sales people DO NOT do any follow up whether the customer purchases or not. [7]
  • 82% of customers cannot remember the sales persons name 1 year after their purchase. [7]
  • 78% of customers who visit your showroom buy a vehicle somewhere. [7]
  • 85% of customers made up their mind to purchase a vehicle before they left their house. [7]
  • 38% of customers purchase within 4 hours of visiting their first dealership. [7]
  • 57% of consumers purchase within 3 days of visiting their first dealership. [7]
  • 90% of customers purchase within 1 week of visiting their first dealership. [7]
  • 30% of customers have a family member who will purchase a vehicle in the next 90 days. [7]
  • This was an 18.2% decrease in US automotive digital ad spend from 2020. [1]
  • This is a 21.4% increase in spend from 2020 and a sign of things to come. [1]
  • In 2021, automotive will account for 8.1% of all US digital ad spend. [1]
  • 95% of vehicle buyers use digital as a source of information. [1]
  • 76% of new and used vehicle shoppers run a search before buying. [1]
  • The average automotive shopper spends 33% of their research time on a mobile device. [1]
  • The watch time of ā€œtest driveā€ videos on YouTube has grown by more than 65% in the past 2 years. [1]
  • 61% of new and used vehicle shoppers contact the dealership by calling after a search. [1]
  • 66% of the automotive calls generated by search engines come from paid search. [1]
  • The other 34% are driven by organic search. [1]
  • 60% of consumers searching for vehicles on mobile would call the dealership from a call extension. [1]
  • 57% of consumers call about vehicles from a search ad call extension to schedule an appointment. [1]
  • 31.6% of total calls to dealerships resulted in an appointment. [1]
  • Callers convert 30% faster than web leads. [1]
  • Caller retention rate is 28% higher than web lead retention rate. [1]
  • 41% of organizations report having increased phone conversion rates by 25% or more in the past 12 months. [1]
  • 54% of car buyers would pay more for a better buying experience. [1]
  • Up to 72% of dealership agents donā€™t ask the caller for an appointment. [1]
  • 35% did not suggest an alternative if the callerā€™s vehicle of choice was already sold. [1]
  • Up to 25% of mishandled calls can be converted to sales by calling the lead back. [1]
  • Car buyers spend 59% of their time online researching. [0]
  • When researching online, 46% of car shoppers use multiple devices. [0]
  • Third party sites are the most used sites for car shopping, used by 78% of shoppers. [0]
  • When asked to rate their satisfaction on a scale of 110, 81% of car buyers gave the testdriving process an 8. [0]
  • However, satisfaction declined to 67% when interactions with the F&I department were factored in. [0]
  • Of the 3 hours average time spent at the dealer during the purchase process, more than half of that time is spent negotiating or doing paperwork, resulting in a 56% satisfaction rate for the process. [0]
  • Among automotive internet shoppers, 22% use a social media site as a source while shopping for their new vehicle, up from 16% in 2015. [0]
  • The most popular social media sites used by auto internet shoppers during the shopping process are YouTube (13%), DealerRater (7%) and Facebook (5%). [0]
  • Among automotive internet shoppers who use social media, only 13% indicate that the information posted on social media sites influenced their purchase decision, and only 2% say a social site was the ā€œmost useful siteā€ they visited. [0]
  • Slightly more than onethird (34%). [0]
  • Facebook is by far the most posted site at 88%, followed by Instagram at 21%. [0]
  • Smartphones Surpass Tablets for Automotive Research More than half (53%). [0]
  • The use of desktop or laptop computers remains most common at 92%, but has been steadily decreasing from 99% in 2012. [0]
  • Consequently, the proportion of time spent shopping on mobile devices continues to increase, with 33% of the total shopping time now conducted on a mobile device. [0]
  • 87% of Americans dislike something about car shopping at dealerships and 61% feel they’re taken advantage of while there. [0]
  • 52% of car shoppers feel anxious or uncomfortable at dealerships. [0]
  • Millennials lead the pack in their dislike, with 56% saying they’d rather clean their homes than negotiate with a car dealer. [0]
  • Gen X ers aren’t fans either, and faced with alternatives 24% say they’d rather have a root canal than get into car negotiation. [0]
  • Among millennial women, 62% feel pressured to buy right away and 49% said they felt tricked into buying features they didn’t need. [0]
  • When asked about newer car buying alternatives, 54% said they would ā€œloveā€ being able to sell or buy a car from home and. [0]
  • 42% were fine buying a car without a test drive, as long as there was some form of guarantee. [0]
  • 54% of consumers would buy from a dealership that offers their preferred experience, even if it didn’t have the lowest price. [0]
  • 72% would visit dealerships more often if the buying process was improved. [0]
  • Cars play a key role in supporting Millennials’ need to stay connected, and in a study by, 72% of younger millennials indicated that a car is important to their social life. [0]
  • For example, more than 70% of younger millennials cite technology and infotainment features as ā€œmust havesā€ when purchasing a car. [0]
  • A study by DMEautomotive showed that vehicle buyers using a branded app were 73% more likely to make a purchase from the dealership, and after making a purchase, booked 25% more service appointments than shoppers without an app. [0]
  • They also spent more money than non app users when purchasing a vehicle, 7% more according to a study commissioned by [0]
  • According to a study by Arthur D. Little , dealers average response time is 9.2 hours and OEMs average time is around 24 hours. [0]
  • US new car sales in 2024 will rise to 15.47 million vehicles from an estimated 15.07 million in 2021. [2]
  • Interest rates were just below 4 percent towards the end of October 2021. [2]
  • The estimated average transaction price for a light vehicle in the US was $42,258 in June 2021. [2]
  • It has been predicted that there has been a total of 7.75 million certified pre. [2]
  • Lease penetration fell to 23% in November 2021, down from 28% in November 2019. [2]
  • 92% of auto purchasers research online. [2]
  • When it comes to buying cars, purchase intent is still 14% below preCOVID. [2]
  • Used car buyers are less satisfied with the overall shopping experience, with 62% satisfied with new car shopping and 60% satisfied with used car shopping. [2]
  • Quality was the most important factor for brands in the auto industry, with 30% of the vote. [2]
  • Affordability (21%). [2]
  • 1/3 of consumers without a car plan on buying one in the next 6 months, with 45% of those being millennials. [2]
  • 78% are more likely to use their car to travel in a post. [2]
  • In 2021, 30% postponed their car purchase and 25% switched to used cars. [2]
  • In 2024, it is projected that 50% will postpone their purchase and 40% will switch to used cars. [2]
  • 71% of people who don’t own a car are looking to buy a gasoline or diesel vehicle, 6% plan on an EV, and 23% would consider a hybrid model. [2]
  • The average price of used cars has gone up 29% in 2021 and will continue to rise. [2]
  • Toyota has the largest CPO share of 13.8%. [2]
  • The percentage of buyers who use automakers’ financing and choose to lease has risen from 31% to 52% year over year, according to industry analyst J.D. Power. [2]
  • Around 6% of households preferred to lease cars. [2]
  • Gen X makes up 38% of all car buyers, followed by Baby Boomers at 32% and Millennials at 23%. [2]
  • 61% of all car buyers live in suburban areas, with 63% of new buyers and 61% of used buyers being in suburban areas. [2]
  • 67% of new car buyers have an income above $75,000. [2]
  • Public transportation use for work has fallen by 69% from pre. [2]
  • Car shoppers visit an average of 4.2 websites when car shopping, with 81% visiting at least 2 websites. [2]
  • The top reasons buyers prefer third party sites are for researching vehicle pricing (64%), comparing vehicles/brand of interest (62%), and reading expert/consumer rating (62%). [2]
  • 18% of auto shoppers would buy a vehicle sooner if there was an online purchase option. [2]
  • 48% of consumers want to handle price negotiations online. [2]
  • 42% say they want to handle financing online. [2]
  • 61.4% of car buyers prefer to buy from a dealership. [2]
  • 77% offer online estimates for trade ins, 72% offer online chat negotiations, 60% have some digital retailing and financing options, and 58% offer home delivery. [2]
  • 40% of respondents said they are using ridesharing services less often since the COVID 19 outbreak in the US. [2]
  • Of those people, 93% said they are using personal cars more often. [2]
  • 28% of people said they distrust the cleanliness of other people’s cars. [2]
  • 77.3% of respondents think owning a car is necessary, despite the evolution of rideshare. [2]
  • By 2030, BEVs will account for 81% of all new EVs sold. [2]
  • Based on US electric car sales statistics, with 132,000 estimated sales, the Tesla Model Y was the most soughtafter electric vehicle and the 25th overall best selling car in the US in January 2021. [2]
  • The global EV forecast is for a compound annual growth rate of 29% over the next 10 years. [2]
  • That’s increased from $20,942 from the same time the year before, a 21% increase. [2]
  • Semiconductor demand overtakes supply by 10% at the end of 2021. [2]
  • The online shopping experience continues to grow, even though most shoppers are not quite ready to make the jump to 100% digital car buying. [2]
  • Additional information, including the hourly and annual 10th, 25th, 75th, and 90th percentile wages, is available in the downloadable XLS files NAICS. [8]
  • The value is less than .005 percent of industry employment. [8]
  • Among Car Dealers, 29.1% of them are women compared to 70.9% which are men. [9]
  • Job Title Male Female BRA Specialist 6% 94% Clinique Consultant 6% 94% Beauty Consultant 6% 94% Car Dealer 71% 29% Cart Associate 94% 6% Lumber Associate 95% 5% Parts Counterman 96% 4%. [9]
  • The most common ethnicity among Car Dealers is White, which makes up 58.5% of all Car Dealers. [9]
  • Comparatively, there are 21.8% of the Hispanic or Latino ethnicity and 10.1% of the Black or African American ethnicity. [9]
  • White, 58.5% Hispanic or Latino, 21.8% Black or African American, 10.1% Asian, 6.2%. [9]
  • Unknown, 2.7% American Indian and Alaska Native, 0.7% Car Dealer Race Percentages. [9]
  • Using the Census Bureau data, we found out how the percentage of each ethnic category trended between 2010 2019 among Car Dealers. [9]
  • Interestingly enough, the average age of Car Dealers is 40+ years old, which represents 50% of the population. [9]
  • Car Dealer Years Percentages The most common degree for Car Dealers is Bachelor’s Degree 41% of Car Dealers earn that degree. [9]
  • A close second is High School Diploma with 25% and rounding it off is Associate Degree with 20%. [9]
  • Bachelors, 41% High School Diploma, 25% Associate, 20% Diploma, 7%. [9]
  • Other Degrees, 7% Car Dealer Degree Percentages Car Dealer Wage Gap By Education. [9]
  • < 50 employees 50 100 employees 100 500 employees 500 1,000 employees 1,000 10,000 employees > 10,000 Company Size Percentages Industry Percentages Car Dealer Unemployment Rate Over Time. [9]
  • By looking over 239 Car Dealers resumes, we figured out that the average Car Dealer enjoys staying at their job for 1 2 years for a percentage of 29%. [9]
  • The most common foreign language among Car Dealers is Spanish at 36.8%. [9]
  • The secondmost popular foreign language spoken is Russian at 21.1% and German is the third most popular at 15.8%. [9]
  • Spanish, 36.8% Russian, 21.1% German, 15.8% French, 10.5% Ukrainian, 5.3% Other, 10.5% Foreign Language Percentages. [9]
  • In 2020, the number of vehicles stolen was up 11.8 percent from 724,872 in 2019. [10]
  • Vehicle thefts had been trending downward in the 26 years since they peaked at 1.7 million in 1991, falling 56 percent to 724,872 in 2019, according to the FBI. [10]
  • According to the NICB , this represents a 56 percent increase in vehicle thefts with keys or fobs in the vehicle from the 147,434 vehicles stolen in this manner between January 1, 2013 and December 31, 2015. [10]
  • By 2020 they grew more than four fold, soaring to 14,433 thefts, with December leading the way with 2,347 thefts, or roughly 16 percent of the yearly total. [10]
  • The Honda Civic was the most frequently stolen passenger vehicle in 2017, with 45,062 thefts among all model years of this car, according to the National Insurance Crime Bureau. [10]
  • Only18% of car dealershipslist price or conditional price for their entire inventory. [11]
  • LEAD SOURCE BY CHANNEL LEADS QUALIFIED SALES LEADS SALES Organic 38.7% 37.2% 34.0% Direct 27.5% 30.8% 35.7%. [11]
  • Paid 23.3% 21.2% 21.4% Referral 8.8% 8.9% 7.9%. [11]
  • Phone Call 62.6% 22.5% 24.6% Form 32.4% 69.1% 68.9% Chat 5.0% 8.4% 6.5%. [11]
  • 13.3%of sales prospects do not make it into the CRM. [11]
  • The average car dealership close rate is12.5%. [11]
  • 8.5%of calls from sales prospects are missed. [11]
  • 23.5%of the average dealerā€™s leads are flagged for not receiving follow up within 24 hours. [11]
  • 67.3%of these flagged sales leads do not receive follow up within 1 week or longer TYPE OF AUTO DEALERSHIP. [11]
  • * Luxury dealers 22.9% Small dealers, with less than 7,500 website sessions/month 22.0% Medium dealers, with 7,501 15,000 website sessions/month 20.9% Large dealers, with 15,001 24.1%. [11]
  • The auto industry accounts for approximately 3% of the totalgross domestic productof the United States. [3]
  • Light truck sales went up by 8.1% compared to the same month of the previous year. [3]
  • VW sales increased by 8.1%, and Mercedes Benz sales grew by 6.8% in January 2020 compared to January 2019. [3]
  • In 2008, the industry suffered an 18% decline in new car retail sales, followed by a 21% decline in 2009. [3]
  • As the biggest manufacturing industry in the country, the US auto industry accounts for approximately 3% of Americaā€™s total gross domestic product. [3]
  • According to US car sales statistics by year, there were 7.7 million passenger cars sold in 2014, 7.5 million in 2015, almost 6.9 million in 2016, a little over 6 million in 2017, 5.3 million in 2018, and just 4.7 million sold in 2019. [3]
  • According to US car sales statistics, there are approximately 17 million auto retail sales each year, which breaks down to around 46,575 passenger cars, light trucks, and SUVs sold every day. [3]

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How Useful is Car Dealer

For buyers, car dealers offer a convenient one-stop shop for all their vehicle purchasing needs. From browsing a wide selection of new and used cars to arranging financing and completing paperwork, dealers streamline the often complicated process of buying a car. Their knowledgeable sales staff can help guide prospective buyers through the myriad of options available, ensuring they find the right vehicle for their needs and budget.

Additionally, car dealers provide consumers with access to a range of automotive services that go beyond just selling cars. Many dealers offer maintenance and repair services, making it easy for buyers to keep their new purchase in top condition. Dealerships also often have partnerships with insurance companies, making it easier for customers to secure coverage for their new vehicle.

For sellers, car dealers provide a valuable platform for moving inventory quickly and efficiently. Dealerships have access to a wide customer base and can leverage their marketing and sales expertise to attract buyers. This can be especially beneficial for sellers looking to offload multiple vehicles or trade them in for a new purchase.

Car dealers also play a role in facilitating the resale and trade-in process for consumers. By offering trade-in options or buying used cars outright, dealers help sellers offload their vehicles without the hassle of finding a private buyer. This can be particularly advantageous for consumers looking to upgrade to a new vehicle without the headache of trying to sell their current one independently.

Furthermore, car dealers provide an added layer of security and peace of mind for both buyers and sellers. Dealers are bound by strict regulations and standards that protect consumers from fraud or misrepresentation. They also often offer warranties and guarantees on their vehicles, adding an extra layer of protection for buyers.

While some may argue that the rise of online car buying platforms has diminished the relevance of traditional car dealerships, the value they provide cannot be dismissed. Dealers offer a level of personalized service and expertise that online platforms simply cannot match. In an industry as complex and fast-paced as automotive sales, having a knowledgeable ally in the form of a car dealer can make all the difference.

In conclusion, car dealers continue to play a crucial role in the automotive industry, serving as a trusted intermediary between buyers and sellers. Their convenient services, expertise, and added security make them a valuable resource for consumers looking to purchase or sell a vehicle. While the industry may be evolving with the rise of online platforms, the traditional car dealer remains an essential part of the car buying experience.

In Conclusion

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