Brand Protection Statistics 2024 – Everything You Need to Know

Are you looking to add Brand Protection to your arsenal of tools? Maybe for your business or personal use only, whatever it is – it’s always a good idea to know more about the most important Brand Protection statistics of 2024.

My team and I scanned the entire web and collected all the most useful Brand Protection stats on this page. You don’t need to check any other resource on the web for any Brand Protection statistics. All are here only 🙂

How much of an impact will Brand Protection have on your day-to-day? or the day-to-day of your business? Should you invest in Brand Protection? We will answer all your Brand Protection related questions here.

Please read the page carefully and don’t miss any word. 🙂

Best Brand Protection Statistics

☰ Use “CTRL+F” to quickly find statistics. There are total 61 Brand Protection Statistics on this page 🙂

Brand Protection Market Statistics

  • The most common infringement was business name and web domains, on 44%, followed by social media and online marketplaces (both on 38%) and ad campaigns (34%). [0]
  • That means a net balance of 4% of marketers revised their budgets up, a turnaround from the previous quarter when a net balance of 0.5% revised their budgets down. [0]
  • Trust is the biggest challenge facing marketers when it comes to data ‘Reinforcing customer trust’ is marketers’ biggest challenge when it comes to how they use data, cited by 59% of marketers questioned in a survey. [0]
  • The global market for anti counterfeiting, brand protection and security packaging is currently worth an estimated $3.24 billion. [1]
  • The global market for anti counterfeiting, brand protection and security packaging is currently worth an estimated $3.24 billion, with market value forecast to increase at a CAGR of 5.6% to reach more than $4.26 billion by 2026. [1]
  • This report is based on a new and exclusive assessment of how the market has developed since 2017 and likely directions for the period leading up to 2026. [1]
  • In fact, a Forrester survey states that in 2019, online marketplaces in the U.S. accounted for 46% of online sales and 61% of global e commerce sales and that was before the pandemic. [2]

Brand Protection Latest Statistics

  • More than three quarters (77%). [0]
  • To protect against brand safety concerns, more than 80% use a series of solutions to ensure their ads appear in brand safe environments. [0]
  • Some 93.8% of brands use blacklists, 91% keyword targeting, 87.8% whitelists and 83.9% verification partners. [0]
  • Some 85% of brands say they experienced trademark infringement in 2019, up from 81% in 2018 and 74% in 2017. [0]
  • The biggest consequence of trademark infringement is customer confusion – cited by 45% of brands. [0]
  • This is followed by loss of revenue (38%) and damage to brand reputation (37%). [0]
  • Three quarters of trademark infringements led to litigation, with 40% of companies spending between $50,000 and $250,000 on legal proceedings. [0]
  • Almost half (46%). [0]
  • Overall, 23% of companies said budgets increased and 19% reported cuts, leaving 58% with unchanged spending. [0]
  • Budgets also look promising for 2020, with a net balance of 15.7% expecting spend to increase this year. [0]
  • That is a significant on last year’s forecast, when just 3.4% expected growth. [0]
  • Sales volumes were down 0.6% compared to November, the fifth straight month without growth. [0]
  • Sales at food stores were down 1.3%, while clothing stores saw sales drop 2% and department stores 1.8%. [0]
  • Online sales accounted for 19% of December spending, up from 18.6% the previous month. [0]
  • That is followed by ‘understanding customer wants and needs’ on 52%, ‘measuring ROI’ on 48% and ‘adapting to data privacy regulations’ on 45%. [0]
  • Only 6% of attempted account registrations passed Amazon’s robust verifications processes and listed products for sale. [3]
  • Fewer than 0.01% of all products sold on Amazon received a counterfeit complaint from customers. [3]
  • Brand impersonation using fake emails and websites had already increased by the triple digits in 2020, according to the SOBP report. [4]
  • a scammer could use one of the hundreds of other extensions available, such as .net or a countryspecific extension.[1] The number of suspicious domains like these jumped 366% between MayJune 2020 and January February 2020, according to the SOBP report. [4]
  • Phishing emails are effective hooks The number of unwitting clicks on dangerous links soared 85% in 2020. [4]
  • A Mimecast survey of international consumers found that 55% had been directed to a fake website from a phishing email. [4]
  • Alibaba has released statistics from its 2020 IP Rights Protection Report, revealing that 96% of suspected infringing listings were proactively detected and removed after posting, before a sale could be made. [5]
  • WTR has obtained the coverage in advance and, alongside the headline finding that 96% of suspected infringing listings were detected and removed before a sale could be made, it reveals the following statistics. [5]
  • The number of suspected infringing listings reported by consumers fell by a third (33%). [5]
  • 98% of IP infringement complaints were handled within 24 hours (up from 96% in 2019). [5]
  • Another statistic reveals that the number of rights holder accounts on Alibaba’s Intellectual Property Protection Platform climbed by 40% from the previous year, highlighting the e commerce giant’s increasing collaboration with rights holders. [5]
  • Geographically, members are headquartered in 19 countries, with a third originating from Europe (34%), 29% from North America, a quarter from China (24%). [5]
  • For some perspective, by 2024 the global counterfeiting industry is predicted to be worth $4.2 trillion. [6]
  • First Action Total 7.7 months 97.4% 12.5 months 99.4% Pendency Quality Pendency Quality Year to Date. [7]
  • 17.8% Registrations Applications Increase in Applications. [7]
  • The results of an examiner’s first action are reviewed for the quality of the substantive basis for decisionmaking, search strategy, evidence, and writing The target is 95.5% for the percentage of error. [7]
  • The target is 97% for the percentage of error. [7]
  • 56.6% 2007 3192 55.6% 2006 2923 58.8% 2005. [8]
  • Candidates achieving an unofficial score of 70% or more will be informed that they passed. [8]
  • Candidates with scores below 70% will be notified of the percent of their correct answers. [8]
  • During this period, 44 percent of all copyright cases were filed in California, New York, and Texas. [9]
  • California had the highest number of copyright filings16,817 filings,22 percent of the national caseload. [9]
  • New York had the second highest number of copyright filings11,115 filings,15 percent of the national caseload. [9]
  • Texas had the third highest number of copyright filings5,223 filings,7 percent of the national caseload. [9]
  • During this period, 48 percent of patent cases were filed in Texas, California, and Delaware. [9]
  • Texas had the highest number of patent filings16,164 filings,20 percent of the national caseload. [9]
  • California had the second highest number of patent filings13,478 filings,17 percent of the national caseload. [9]
  • filings,11 percent of the national caseload. [9]
  • During this period, 42 percent of all trademark cases were filed in California, New York, and Florida. [9]
  • California had the highest number of trademark filings16,526 filings,21 percent of the national caseload. [9]
  • New York had the second highest number of trademark filings9,659 filings,12 percent of the national caseload. [9]
  • Florida had the third highest number of trademark filings6,823 filings,9 percent of the national caseload. [9]
  • According to a recent Intelligence Node survey , 26% of shoppers encountered a rise in counterfeits during the pandemic. [2]
  • The total estimated value of the seized goods, had they been genuine, was nearly $1.3 billion. [2]
  • Counterfeit products found their way into essential items as well, with 38% of shoppers we surveyed coming across counterfeit essential items online during the pandemic. [2]
  • Our survey found that many customers have started to lose trust in third party sites, with eBay (80%) and Amazon (53%). [2]
  • We found that Louis Vuitton (56%) and Gucci (52%). [2]
  • Nearly 90% of retailer domains are at risk of brand impersonation via email. [10]
  • According to one study on customer loyalty, 63 percent of customers will stop shopping a brand after one negative experience. [10]

I know you want to use Brand Protection Software, thus we made this list of best Brand Protection Software. We also wrote about how to learn Brand Protection Software and how to install Brand Protection Software. Recently we wrote how to uninstall Brand Protection Software for newbie users. Don’t forgot to check latest Brand Protection statistics of 2024.


  1. marketingweek –
  2. smithers –
  3. forbes –
  4. aboutamazon –
  5. mimecast –
  6. worldtrademarkreview –
  7. redpoints –
  8. uspto –
  9. uspto –
  10. uscourts –
  11. barracuda –

How Useful is Brand Protection

Brand protection encompasses a range of strategies and practices aimed at safeguarding a company’s intellectual property, trademarks, copyrights, and other assets that contribute to its brand identity. This includes everything from preventing counterfeiting and trademark infringement to managing online reputation and domain names.

But just how useful is brand protection in the grand scheme of things? The answer lies in understanding the impact that a strong brand can have on a company’s bottom line. A well-protected brand not only builds trust and credibility among consumers but also sets a company apart from its competitors. This can lead to increased customer loyalty, higher sales, and ultimately, higher profits.

Take, for example, the luxury fashion industry. Brands like Louis Vuitton and Chanel have built their empires on the strength of their brand image and reputation. They invest heavily in brand protection measures to combat counterfeiters and copycats who seek to profit off their hard-earned reputation. By maintaining a strong brand presence, these companies are able to command premium prices and maintain their status as industry leaders.

Brand protection is also essential in the digital age, where the proliferation of online platforms has made it easier for copycats and infringers to operate. Companies must be vigilant in monitoring their online presence and taking proactive measures to combat trademark violations and brand impersonation. Failure to do so can result in reputational damage, loss of market share, and even legal troubles.

Furthermore, brand protection is not just about safeguarding assets, but also about nurturing and enhancing brand equity. By studying consumer behavior and preferences, companies can better understand how their brand is perceived in the marketplace and make informed decisions about branding strategies. This can lead to stronger customer relationships, increased brand loyalty, and greater brand value over time.

In conclusion, brand protection is not just a defensive measure to protect against threats; it is an integral part of a company’s overall branding strategy. By investing in brand protection measures, companies can safeguard their brand assets, strengthen their brand image, and ultimately drive business success. In today’s highly competitive and fast-paced environment, protecting one’s brand is no longer just an option – it’s a necessity.

In Conclusion

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We tried our best to provide all the Brand Protection statistics on this page. Please comment below and share your opinion if we missed any Brand Protection statistics.

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